I have frequently posted stories, timelines, etc. on various ancestors. For the next few days I'll be taking a look at the settlement of the English and Dutch colonies where my ancestors settled. Unfortunately, not all will get equal treatment. Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Netherland/New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina will get most of the coverage. Some more than others. Delaware and New Hampshire will get a brief mention. Georgia and South Carolina will be neglected due to not being among those colonies that were entry points for my ancestors.
The parameters of my postings will begin with earliest arrival and conclude with 1800. I do have a few ancestors who arrived post 1800. The McHughs arrived in Pennsylvania from Donegal, Ireland during the 1830s. The Wagners and Laubschers from Baden were in Pennsylvania by the early 1840s. Cork, Ireland native Catherine O'Neil landed in New York about 1852. Otherwise, my ancestral families were all ensconced in America by 1800.
I'll take a look at settlement patterns and key arrival dates. I will mention a few of my families settling each colony, but not bore you rehashing their stories. [Well, maybe a little.]
Be aware that several families that landed in one colony may have become prominent settlers in another.
I will start off with New England, followed by the Mid-Atlantic and the South. Plymouth Colony will draw the lead-off position.
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