Saturday, September 12, 2015

New England: Colonies of Saybrook, New Haven and Connecticut

Connecticut was originally called the River Colony. It was founded by Puritans on 3 March 1636 as a Puritan settlement. Thomas Hooker and John Haynes were considered the founders. John Winthrop Jr. served as governor from 1659-1675 and was instrumental in bringing the various settlements together as one colony.

Saybrook Colony was founded by the aforementioned John Winthrop Jr. in 1635. Saybrook struggled as a colony and merged with Connecticut in 1644.

New Haven was founded in 1637, but was never granted a charter. New Haven communities began to join Connecticut in 1662. The last three holding out until 1664.

In 1687, Governor Andros arrived in Hartford and demanded the colonial charter. Local citizens hid the charter in an oak tree and refused to turn it over. This tree became known as the Charter Oak.

Connecticut families: Wakeman, St. John, Keeney, Douglas, Turner, Hazen, Olmstead, Lockwood and others. Some migrated from Massachusetts;  others made their first homes in Connecticut.

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