Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 23rd & 25th

Although it's a bit belated, I wanted to pay a brief tribute to three terrific people who have since passed.

August 23rd marked the 76th wedding anniversary of my parents, Hugh Prall & Ruthjane McHugh. They were great parents. I think they did a pretty fair job of raising their only kid. Both grew up in Indy and once they got me through college and into the work force, they were off to retirement in Florida. One or both were at all of my Little League games. Mom was a den mother for Cub Scouts, manned the concession stand for several Little League games and taught me to bowl. Pop saw me through math classes in Jr. High and High school, shot baskets and played catch. We went to a slew of Indians and Reds games over the years. There were annual vacations to Florida and one to California. Mom handled the paperwork for my Dad's business, bowled, golfed, volunteered at th hospital and was a pretty good artist. She saw to it that I got through ceramics, charcoal and oil classes to improve my art skills. Pop ran a very successful tool and die shop and saw me through my teens!

August 25th would have been Mom's 95th birthday. It would have also been my Pop's mother's 131st. Grandma was the #1 babysitter for me and was an all-around wonderful person. I still remember the last Christmas present she got me, a really nice dinosaur set! 

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