Friday, December 19, 2014

Putting the Wraps on Occupations

I left out quite a few families to avoid too much repetition on the jobs. The majority of the ancestors were farmers in some capacity - some small, some vast. The operation of grist mills was another popular occupation. Innkeepers [taverns, public houses] were also fairly common. Several immigrants came over as members of the textile business. Tanners, paper makers, doctors, veterinarians, blacksmiths and wheelwrights dotted the landscape as well. As the families moved to the cities day laborers, carpenters, night watchmen, tool and die makers and other urbanized jobs began to appear.

To find out about your ancestors' livelihoods, try checking city and county directories, probate files [listing disposition of farmsteads, listing tools, etc.], town histories and census records to get started. Be aware of terms like laborer, mechanic or other generic occupations. Your carpenter could be listed as a mechanic  - a person who worked with his hands, not a car repair guy! That of course could be the case as the 20th century progressed.

Then there's the horse thief, mobster, moonshiner or pirate to deal with!

Visiting Ancestral Homes

How many of you have conducted research in the towns, or at least counties, that your ancestors lived in? On my research junkets, I made it a point not to do research only. I would mix a day or two of research with visiting local historical sites. Cemetery visits can fall under either  category.

Mixing it up gives you a break from the libraries and helps to give you a feel for the area. I'll take a look at a few of those trips in the posts ahead.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Contintued Job Check

My Wagner/Laubscher family from Baden migrated from Pennsylvania to Missouri and Wisconsin because of work available in the lead mines.

The Crousore/Kraushaar family was one of farmers primarily in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Immigrant, Nocholas was also a distiller.

John Simmons, Sr. operated a popular tavern at the corner of Wall and Nassau Streets in New York City before and after the Revolutionary War. Late in life he was a land speculator in upstate New York. John Jr. served as his father's sales agent on the land investment, was an on-again, off-again farmer in NY and the Midwest, and ran a "public house" near Canonsburg, PA. John William was a farmer. James M. was a carpenter and farmer. John T. farmed and worked at a sawmill.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Some More on the Job Market

The majority of my Quaker ancestors who migrated from Pennsylvania to Virginia were farmers.

Casper Rinker, whose family hailed from Switzerland, held a sizable amount of farmland in Virginia, but also ran an inn - visited on more than one occasion by George Washington.

Peter Trisler, of Wittenburg, Germany and Jessamine Co., KY, was a somewhat eccentric physician.

The Sension/St. John line was involved in the textile industry before coming to America [tailor, button maker] and farmers in New England, New York and Ohio. There was one innkeeper in the mix.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Occupations Continue

The bulk of my Rhode Island stock were farmers or mariners, with an occasional weaver, minister or merchant thrown in.

My Faucetts, John, Josesph and Benjamin F., were farmers for the most part until Benjamin moved the family to Indianapolis. Joseph had served as a tailor's apprentice, so had an occupation to fall back on during the winter months.

Hugh and Ebenezer Mahurin were colliers [iron workers] in Massachusetts and New Jersey. They also farmed. Generation 3, Seth, who dropped the Ma and became Hurin, kept at the farming, as did son Othniel.

Edward Hazen was an inn keeper. His son and grandsons were farmers.

Humphrey and John [the Elder] Turner were tanners by trade. John's son, Ezekiel, chose the life of a mariner.

Friday, December 12, 2014

More on the Job Market

I left off with the Pralls and few allied families yesterday. I'll continue from there with the Rhodes family.

Although immigrant Zachariah Rhodes seems to have pursued political and community interests over any particular career - he did drown off the coast of Rhode Island, so may have been involved in maritime pursuits. Son John was a farmer, as was grandson, John. Little is known of John's son Holden. His son Holden took to the seas. He was a privateer during the Revolution and was a sea captain. His son Zachariah was also a sea captain. He and his brother, Perry, were lost at sea in 1815.

Captain Holden Rhodes' father-in-law, Daniel Remington, was a ship's carpenter.

The in-laws of Captain Zachariah Rhodes also had ties to the seafaring world. His wife's father and brother [James Cunningham Sr. and Jr.] were sea captains. Harriet's five sisters all married seamen, shipbuilders or others in similar trades.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ancestral Occupations Round Two

Early Prall family occupations:

Jan Arentsen van Heerde, the immigrant, was a bowery master [head of a farmstead] and farmer on Staten Island from about 1650-55.

Arent Jansen Prall [c1646-1725] was a wheelwright in Kingston/Esopus and Staten Island, New Netherland/New York.

Pieter Prall [1672-1748] was a Staten Island planter.

Aaron Prall [1698-1757] farmed and operated a grist mill in Hunterdon Co., NJ. He may also have been a trader, operating between Staten Island and Kingston and Hunterdon Co. and Kingston.

Cornelius Prall, Sr. [1732-1813] followed in his father's footsteps, farming and operating a grist mill.

Cornelius Prall, Jr. [1768-1834] was a farmer, but spent a lot of time buying and selling land [as had his father.]

Isaac Rittenhouse Prall [1800-1880] was a farmer in New Jersey, Maryland and Pennsylvania.

[The rest of the line was covered in yesterday's post.]

Pierre Billiou [c1622-1701], Arent's father-in-law, was a weaver in The Netherlands and a farmer on Staten Island.

Hans Christopher [c1648-c1690], Pieter's father-in-law, was a farmer as well.

The Whiitaker family: Edward [c1640-1695] was a soldier and may have been a tavern keeper. His son James [1675-aft 1751; Aaron's father-in-law] was a cattle dealer and probably took part in other trading ventures.

The Garrisons: John [c1704-1775], Cornelius Sr.'s father-in-law, was a farmer and miller. His father and grandfather ware farmers.

Wilhelm Rittenhouse [1644-1708] owned the first papermill in British America and was the first Mennonite minister in the colonies. His son Gerhard/Garret [c1674-1743] was a farmer and grist miller. William [1695-1757] was a farmer and tavern keeper. His son and Cornelius Prall, Jr.'s father-in-law, Issac, was also a farmer and tavern keeper.

More later!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ancestors' Occupations

Take a look at what your ancestors did for a living. Were they farmers, storekeepers, ministers, horse thieves or carpenters? How did they manage to put bread on the table for their families?

I'll run a few posts discussing how my ancestors kept their families fed. I guess the best place to start is with my father, Hugh Prall. He was a tool and die maker and owned his own shop. His father, Marshall Prall, was a candy maker in Marion (IN), Cincinnati and Indianapolis. My great-grandfather, Hugh M. Prall, was listed variously as a clerk, canvasser, solicitor, carpenter and cornice maker. (I think the canvasser/solicitor job was gathering info for the local directories.

My Dad's maternal grandfather, Charles Faucett, was a teamster, a city agent for Kingan & Co. (Indianapolis) and a day laborer. His father, Benjamin F. Faucett was a farmer in Hendricks Co. (IN) and a carpenter, after moving the family to Indianapolis.

On my Mom's side of the family, her father, Charles McHugh, was a tool and die maker (he made auto parts and toys in the shop) and patented the "Putt-Putt Boat," a popular toy during the late teens and 1920s. (He also took my father under his wing and taught him the business.) His father, James McHugh, was a farmer and stonemason in Illinois and Wisconsin. John McHugh, my great-grandfather, was also a farmer and stonemason. He was a coal miner for a short time as well in Pennsylvania, Illinois and Wisconsin.

Mom's maternal grandfather, James Crail, was a blacksmith and a veterinarian. (His career included stints as a Federal Meat Inspector in Chicago and Indy.) Aaron Crail, James' father, was a farmer, whose life was interrupted by the Civil War.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New England Families & SLIG 2015

Since I'll be taking a course on New England research in Salt Lake, I thought I'd line up the families from that region of the colonies. Yes, colonies! The last of my NE clans were in America by 1700. By the Revolutionary War, the majority were either still in NE or had migrated to New York & New Jersey. 1800 saw them in the Mid-Atlantic States and heading for the Ohio Territory.

Approximately 70-75 families found their way from the British Isles to New England between 1620 & 1700. Maybe 10-15% were from Wales, Scotland & Ireland, while the rest were from England. One family's origin, Welch or Dutch, is still being debated.

The vast majority settled in Massachusetts Bay & Plymouth, while Connecticut & Rhode Island came later as welcomes wore out in the former two colonies.

Descendants of those 70-odd families migrated west into Ohio, Indiana & Kentucky by the early to mid-1800s.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Wright - Davis - Bowater, SLIG 2015 & a REALLY Long Layoff!

For the handful of people who follow the blog - sorry for the total lack of posts since early October. I just let it get away from me! No excuses.

The Salt Lake Institute is just around the corner, January 12-16. I'm trying to get all of my New England ancestors updated in preparation for the "Diving Deeper into New England" course. I believe there are still a few openings in 3-4 tracks for those who are interested.

One of the non-New England families I've been working on is that of James and Mary Wright, Quaker ministers who lived in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. When I first worked on this couple many years ago, Mary Wright was believed to be Mary Davis. Then, "new research" pointed to Mary Bowater being Mrs. Wright. It seems that Mary Wright's maiden name is still open to debate. It may be that my "free research time" in SLC should be devoted to Quaker and Wright research!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Salt Lake Institute 2015

The 20th annual Salt Lake Institute is January 12-16. SLIG is being held at a new venue - the Hilton Salt Lake City Center. Four tracks remain open:
1) Finding Immigrant Origins [David Ouimette] = 16
2) Research in Original Source Repositories [John P. Colletta] = 17
3) Post War Military Records [Craig R. Scott] = 27
4) Resources & Strategies for US Research - Part I [Paula Stuart-Warren] = 17

If you are interested in any of these topics, sign up for a really interesting week of classes with access to the LDS Family History Library.


I'm taking the class on New England Research. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another run-in with Serendipity

I was attempting another search this morning for James B. Crail just to get my blood pressure up. :)- James was from Ohio and I have two possible records for him during the mid-1830s in Hamilton Co., Ohio and two definite records [1851 & 1854 town lot purchases] in Marieta, Shelby, IN. That's it. Other than knowing he died before 1875, I can find nothing on him - that includes the 1850-70 censuses! As usual I found nothing new.


While checking Crail burials in Indiana on Find a Grave, I did come across a burial for one Willie R. Crail. Willie died 18 October 1895 in Tipton Co. & was buried at Fairview Cemetery in Tipton. He was the son of James & Mima Crail, my great-grandparents.

I was under the impression from conversations with my late uncle that Willie had died in a wagon accident in Shelbyville just before the family was going to move west. Wrong! He died just before the family moved to Shelbyville. Willie died just six days prior to his 12th birthday.

All discoveries are celebrated!

Friday, September 26, 2014

A Couple of Upcoming Events

Oct. 11 [Saturday]: The Genealogical Society of Marion County Annual Conference in conjunction with the Indiana Historical Society at the Eugene & Marilyn Glick History Center in Indianapolis Speakers: Juliana Szucs Smith & Lou Szucs. See for details.

Oct. 18 [Saturday]: Shelby Co. Genealogical Society [Shelbyville, IN] Conference: I will  be presenting "Using Online Resources to Help Solve Brickwall Research Problems.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ancient Wales Studies

If you are waging war with your pre-1500 Welsh ancestors, as I have been recently, may I suggest a really interesting website: Ancient Wales Studies. The site offers an extensive series of articles researched by Darrell Wolcott on the Welsh prior to 1500.It is based in Texas. Numerous articles are listed in the left-land column of the page. For others, you may need to search through the notes of an article to find additional articles on that subject -then Google it. Articles are well-documented. If you aren't familiar with ancient Welsh history, you may have to read through an article a couple of times to get a grasp on things. You see, the early Welsh had the habit of repeating given names, as well as having the stumbling block of patronymic surnames. Those were also repetitive. Of course none of us have ancestral families that fell victim to repetitive given names!*

If you are researching Welsh ancestors give this site a try!

*Humor! :)-

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Welsh Pedigrees

I've spent the last week or so trying to sort out the ancestry of my Welsh ancestor Evan Thomas [born: c1606-09 in Wales & died: 1661 in Boston]. That is part of the reason I haven't been posting.         
This little project is mind-boggling!

Each source gives a slightly different lineage for the Thomas family dating back to the 6th century or so. Two of the sources are family genealogies. Sources for the antiquated lineage are not given. My third source is the Community Trees Project  at, specifically the Wales Medieval Database Primarily of Nobility & Gentry. The lineage offered here offers the biggest discrepancy, about seven generations worth. My newest source is the Ancient Wales Studies web site. I'm still wading through the report on "Einon ap Llywarch of Carmarthenshire." This is a more recent examination of older Welsh genealogies.

So far my conclusion is ..... be happy tracing the family back three or four generations, don't get too ambitious! However, I'm giving it my best shot!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Baseball and Genealogy

I wrote an article a few years ago for Gen Weekly [Genealogy Today] about baseball crossing generations. I think it's online now, so try a Google search if you'd like to read it.

The baseball season is winding down and my Reds continue to fade this year. My first big league game ever was at old Crosley Field in Cincinnati. I think it was the last game of 1961. I was just getting interested in baseball at the time. We also attended Indianapolis Indians AAA games at old Victory Field/Bush Stadium.

I was a big Yankee fan from 1962-1968. As the Yankee greats were traded or retired [Berra, Mantle, Maris, Ford, etc.], my interest in the Reds increased. I got to see the Yankee greats, the Big Red Machine, Koufax, Drysdale, Musial, Mays and dozens of others.

My maternal grandfather was a big White Sox fan. My Dad was a Yankee fan until the late '60s. We sort of adopted the Reds at the same time.

Pop attended the 1939 World Series at Wrigley Field in Chicago. He saw Joe DiMaggio belt a home run. [That was also Lou Gehrig's last series.] In 1964, we went to see the Yankees play the White Sox. Mickey Mantle hit a home run that day. Mantle took over as Yankee super star from DiMaggio.

Pop and my grandmother took in Indians games at old Washington Park [about where the Indy Zoo is today.] He and Mom took my to old Victory Field many times.

My parents and I shared a lot of baseball memories - crazy ones, fun ones, weird ones. We detoured to Houston to see the Astrodome enroute to Florida. We nearly froze to death at Chavez Ravine [Dodger Stadium] in June.

I wish I could have talked baseball with Mom's father and with Pop's mother. The sport crisscrosses generations. I've even been able to get my girlfriend to attend games at Indy's new Victory Field. We've been to Wrigley and Great American as well. Trade off? She's a NASCAR fan. I go to the Brickyard 400!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Family Updates

It looks like I'll have time to address updating a few families - Thomas, Scott, Newcomb, Almy, Sumter, Holden, Turner, Gaymer, Jennison, Low, St. John and a couple of others.

Then comes the most dreaded of all tasks - organizing the files! The den is a jumble of folders and notebooks. Family data needs to be put in file folders. File folders need to be put in the filing cabinet.

Where are those elves that helped out that shoemaker? Do they do genealogical organizing on the side?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Five ups and downs of research: no particular order!

1) Finding the information that gave me the breakthrough on the fate of Captain Zachariah Rhodes at the NEHGS Library.
2) Seeing the court case that confirmed Cornelius Prall Sr. was the son of Aaron Prall.
3) Finding the letter written by Dolly Jennison Simmons to her sister [1860] in the Jennison Family History that confirmed that [James] Morris Simmons was her son.
4) Stumbling across a new genealogical find on any family.
5) Assisting others in locating info.

1) All of the misinformation accumulated in online family trees.
2) Discovering that I assigned the wrong person to a family. [Correcting that error is an UP!]
3) Finding the ages of the children in an ancestor's probate - the minor children, not the children over the age of majority, of which my ancestor's daughter is one.
4) Finding "unknown" listed for a parent on a death certificate.
5) People who won't let go of family data that has been proven to be incorrect.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Pitfalls of Researching the Welsh!

If you have Welsh ancestry, you should appreciate my comments. My first Welsh lines to be researched were those of the Pugh and Evans families and the Rogers family. All three were Quaker families. The Rogers clan was well-documented in Frederick Co., VA. The Evans-Pugh line was easy to follow after arrival in Pennsylvania.

Robert Pugh and Sarah Evans were married in Wales and their daughter Ellin married John Rogers in Pennsylvania.

Now, those of you unfamiliar with Welsh research need to stifle the yawn. Pugh, Evans, Rogers - two of the three common surnames, the third a bit rare - easy to tackle!

Nooooooooo! The Welsh, you see, used patronymics. The child took the given name of the father in each generation. [ap/ab were used for boys, ferch/verch for girls]

Sarah verch Evan, Robert ap Hugh [Pugh is a contraction], etc.

So, the Rogers immigrant was Roger ap Roberts. Roger's kids elected to use the Rogers surname. My John ap Roger became John Rogers.

Robert ap Hugh became Robert Pugh. Sarah verch Evan became Sarah Evans.

Here's an example of a five generation Welsh family: Evan ap Rhys = Rhys ab Evan = Thomas ap Rhys = Llewellyn ap Thomas = Robert ap Llewellyn. Robert's sister would be Sarah verch Llewellyn. Imagine tracking the family back 10-12 generations!

The Welsh kept good track of their "royal families." My Evans-Pugh line goes back to King John! The Welsh and English intermarried for the sake of political or military alliances and other reasons.

I'm currently working on my Thomas line in Massachusetts. Dorothy Thomas > George Thomas > Evan Thomas > Evan Thomas > John Phillip ap Thomas > Thomas ap Rhys > Rhys ap Gruffydd > Gryffudd ap Rhys, and so on. [Rhys = Rice; Gruffydd = Griffith]

May you discover a Welsh ancestral line and have fun with it!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Collateral Ancestors: Compiled Genealogies, County & Local Histories

Hopefully, you are far enough along on your research to know the names of a few collateral ancestors. Look for family histories on those folks in hopes of finding a mention of your ancestor and a new tidbit of info on them.

The same thing goes with county and local histories. Your ancestor's sibling, grandchild, business partner, etc. may have had his/her bio published in one of these books. There is a chance that your ancestor could receive anything from a brief mention to a detailed biographical sketch with in the article. [It has happened twice with the same ancestor for me!]

Friday, August 29, 2014

Collateral Ancestors: Land Records

Land records can be invaluable to your research. Your ancestor could be mentioned as a neighbor in another's deed or be a witness.

With the early metes and bounds deeds, neighbor's property was frequently mentioned in the property description. Your ancestor could be that neighbor. For the bulk of the states that used the township - range format, you would need to check a plat map from the time period you think your ancestor lived in a given county. Families tended to travel in groups. Oftentimes neighbors did the same. If you find a relative or neighbor, your ancestor could be close by. Also check the deeds. Your ancestor may have purchased a tract of land from a relative or neighbor.

When checking for a name in the deed indexes, be aware that a deed may have been recorded 5-20 years after the transaction. If you are looking for a deed from 1770, it may not have been recorded until 1784.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Collateral Ancestors: Probate

Probate files: Wills, inventories and probate files can be a big help. The maiden name [or married name, for that matter] of your ancestor might turn up. Relationships could be established. Your ancestor could be a witness to a will, or administrator or executor to an estate of a sibling, cousin or in-law. He or she might also turn up in the inventory of the estate.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Collateral Ancestors: Vital Recods

Not all census searches are going to work out as well as those for my imaginary Wesley and Roth families. In that case you go for the other record groups.

Vital records: Check to see when each state you are researching started keeping birth, marriage & death records. Also check to see if individual counties & towns kept vital records. New England colonies kept vital records from the early days forward. Of course, there may have been records destroyed by courthouse fires, floods, etc. & during warfare. Hope your family's records survived! Don't forget to check church records for the vital records.

On more than one occasion, I have found a birth record that name's an ancestor's father. It is the sibling who has the mother's name included. Check witnesses to baptisms. Chances are they are family.

When I was trying to locate a marriage for Jacob Crousore in Clinton Co., OH, I called the county archives & learned that his bride's brother was named on the record. [Jimima Smith & brother John]
Later, I checked John Smith's marriage; that record gave his father's name - William Smith. A check of a collateral [brother] turns up a parent's name that was not given on the direct ancestor's record.

Death records? Your ancestor's informant may have been lacking in knowledge about the family & not known the parents. The informant for your ancestor's sister may have given the parents.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Collateral Ancestors: Census Search II

OK, first off the answer to yesterday's question: A record group for the early 1860s in the US?  
                                                                   CIVIL WAR!!
Check Fold3 for Thomas Wesley in the Civil War records. You locate a Pension File Index Card! Thomas served in an Ohio Infantry regiment and received an invalid pension. [You now know he was wounded, injured or became seriously ill as a result of his military service.] Do one of two things - send to the National Archives [NARA] for the COMPLETE pension file AND Thomas' service record file or find a professional genealogist in the DC area to copy the files for you.
While you are waiting for the pension material, return to the census, this time 1880. Two crucial new features: relationship to head of family, birthplace of parents.

Greenfield, Hancock Co., IN:
Thomas Wesley: head - 51 - m - OH - MD - PA - carpenter
Annie                : wife - 49 - m - OH - PA - PA - keeping house
Albert                : son - 26 - s -    OH - OH - OH - laborer
Mary                 : dau - 19 - s -    OH     "       "    - at home
Evan                  : son - 14 - s -    IN      "      "    - at school
Catherine           : dau -  9 - s -    IN      "      "    - at school
Laura King        : dau - 23 - wd- OH    "      "    - seamstress
Nancy King       : grd -  2 - s -    IN - KY - OH - at home

New info: A daughter Catherine, born about 1871 & Laura has married & has a daughter, Nancy, aged 2. Laura is also widowed! Missing: Sally & Thomas Jr.

Double-check the neighbors! Thomas Wesley Jr., wife Ella & two children [Evan - 4 & Laura - 2] are on the same page. There is a Sarah Weber [31 OH, OH, OH], with husband Carl Weber [34 IN, GER, GER] & children: Axel [6], Maria [4] & Wesley [1]. She is a really good candidate for daughter "Sally."

Move ahead to 1900, in the same location. [Remember the 1880 census was destroyed for most of the country.] You turn up the following new information.
Thomas Wesley Jr. - head - b. Feb 1852 [48] m26 - sawyer
Ella                           wife -  b. Mar 1853 [47] m26 4 children/4 living
Evan                         son -    b. Apr 1876 [24] m1 - laborer
Susan                        dil -     b. May 1879 [21] m1 1 child/ 1 living
Jane                           gd       b. Oct 1899 [8/12] s
Laura                        dau      b. Jun 1876 [24] s       school teacher
Thomas Wesley Sr. father   b. Nov 1829 [70] wd  carpenter
Laura Fisher             sis       b. Dec 1857 [42] wd  seamstress
Nancy King             niece    b. Jan 1878 [22] s      dressmaker
Robert Fisher Jr.     neph     b. Jul 1885 [15] s      at school

New info: Nancy died between 1880 & 1900. Evan married & started a family. Laura remarried, had a son & was widowed again. In all likelihood, she married Robert Fisher Sr.

The 1910 census does not include Thomas Wesley Sr. Thomas Jr. is still in Hancock Co., as is much of the rest of the family. Chances are Thomas Sr. has died.

While you are enjoying Thomas Wesley's Civil War records, which will answer many questions, search for vital records in Ohio, Indiana, Maryland & Pennsylvania.  [Kentucky & Germany if you are working on Sally's family.] Check for land records in Ohio & Indiana. You will want to check for probate files as well. Don't forget cemetery records & compiled genealogies either.

I'll let you finish off the Wesley and Roth families on your own!


Monday, August 25, 2014

Researching Collateral Ancestors

Well, I've neglected the postings again! No excuses, just haven't gotten around to it for close to three weeks.

One of my presentations covers researching collateral ancestors. It is crucial that you follow-up on your direct line ancestors' siblings, aunts, uncles and other relations during your research. You might want to look at some of the neighbors as well.

Direct-line only research can leave some sizable holes in the pedigree chart and the family story. Let's look at an example:

You have information that Thomas Wesley and his wife Ann had seven children, 3 boys and 4 girls.
Thomas was born about 1830 in Clinton Co., Ohio; parents unknown. Your first "good shot" with census records is 1850. Without the father's name, 1840 is going to be guess work - unless there's only one Wesley in the US. You are looking for a Thomas Wesley, about 20 years old and born in Ohio.

Eureka! In the 1850 census for Clinton Co., OH, you find a Thomas Wesley, aged 21, born in Ohio.
He is married to a woman named Nancy, aged 18, born in Ohio, and they have a daughter named Sally, aged 1, born in Ohio. Your Thomas' wife was named Ann. Ann is a nickname for Nancy, so you have a good match.

What next? Check a few pages ahead and back of where you found Thomas. Copy the info for any Wesleys, Westleys, Wesslees, etc. that you find. Also look for nearby fits for Ann/Nancy's family.
Say the family listed ahead of Thomas and Nancy is that of Albert Roth [42, PA], Sarah [40, PA], Albert Jr. [21, PA], Margaret [16, OH], Emma [13, OH] and Eldon [10, OH]. Could be a fit; Sarah and Sally flip-flop frequently. Put that on hold until some evidence for a fit appears.

Move ahead to 1860: You find in Highland Co., OH: Thomas [31, OH], Annie [29, OH], Sarah [11, OH], Thomas Jr. [8, OH], Albie [6, OH], Laura [3, OH], Sarah Roth[50, PA]. Any good clues? Annie = Ann. Albie? Could be Albert! Sarah Ross? Bingo! [It normally isn't this easy, but.... Oh, you double-check those other 1850 Wesleys and discover an Evan Westley [43, MD], with Laura [42, PA], James [18, OH], Gwen [14, OH], Alice [10, OH], and Matthew [7, OH]. Candidates for Thomas' family? Thomas named a daughter Laura, could be a keeper!

You find the Wesleys in Hancock Co., IN in 1870. Same basic family, still with Nancy's mother, but with two more children: Mary [9, OH] and Evan [4, IN]. Learn anything? Evan with a big sister named Laura? That Westley family looks like a pretty good fit!

OK, here's what you think you have:
Thomas Wesley [b. c1829, OH] married c1847 OH to Nancy Roth [b. c1831 OH]
Thomas' parents: Evan Wesley [b. c1807 MD] m. before 1829 to Laura ________ [b. c1808 PA]
Nancy's parents: Albert Roth [b. 1808 PA] m. c1828 PA to Sarah _______ [b. c1810 PA]
You also have siblings for both Thomas and Nancy. Then there are records for Pennsylvania, Maryland and Ohio to check, with Indiana just around the corner. The family arrived there between 1862 and 1865. Any other records you might look at between 1862 and 1865? Answer tomorrow!     [I hope!]

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Speechifying on Saturday

I will be giving a presentation at the Wayne Twp. Branch of the IMCPL for the Genealogy Society of Marion Co. on Saturday, August 9th [monthly meeting - 1:00-3:00].

Here's the synopsis:

       San Juan Hill, A Mayflower Connection, a Ship Lost at Sea and other bits of family lore: Family stories and tidbits from other researchers spun some interesting tales. The trick was to find out if they were truth, fabrications or a combination of the two. This presentation discusses various approaches to proving and disproving family lore.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Back after loooong layoff...genealogy stuff

I hadn't realized how long I'd been neglecting the blog! Wow! Two weeks? Throw in a Brickyard Race weekend, a road trip to Nappanee and Shipshewana for a craft festival and the Midwestern Roots Conference in Indy. I'm pooped!

The conference offered up some nice tidbits. I'll get into those a little more once I get a chance to go over the handouts to organize my thoughts.

Hope the timeline exercise has caught on with a few of you. I'm looking forward to digging through the "new" info on a few families after I get the girlfriend's genealogy updated.

For those of you interested in a week of learning in Salt Lake City, the Salt Lake Institute still has several openings in four tracks. The other 8 are booked!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Serendipitous Moment

Over the weekend I was helping my girlfriend go through boxes in hopes of finding a packet of her older family pictures. We found a manila envelope with an assortment of papers. It was one of those serendipitous moments! The papers included the DAR file that one member of the family had copied & sent to a great aunt, a few pages of family members with kids & vital statistics, a letter from the 1830s & another gem or two.

The DAR file was the crown jewel. The pages took the family back to Ireland in 1774, fleshed out a few later generations & added a family or two.

Much of the info I had put together from various sources. The Ireland story is new, as is quite a bit of the data.

Now to verify the new material! I hope the names start getting spelled with uniformity! [lol]
Brady = Bradie in the marriage record & the first & middle names of the groom are transposed [Murphy Malone should be Malone Murphy.]
Murphy = Murfohey in another.
Parthenia = Parchena in yet another.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Timeline Observations

Preparing timelines for the vast majority of my ancestral families has been interesting, eye-opening & a bit exhausting - but definitely worthwhile!

Interesting: There were many families that I hadn't looked at in years. I was able to revisit those families, brush up on the stories & discover where I needed to renew research on them.

Eye-opening: I was amazed at some of the gaps I had in information. The fact that I had the wrong John Low & wife Elizabeth. [Stodder/Stoddard rather that Howland] was disappointing. Maps really came in handy when details looked fishy.

Exhausting: Quite a few families covered 8-10 generations or so. I thought I'd never get through some of them!

Worthwhile: I was able to locate additional information on a number of families. I need to evaluate what I've uncovered to see how well it is documented & worth adding to my files. There are some other lines I'd like to flesh out a bit more. Just putting the timelines together was worth the effort. They are now available to refer to & use as research tools.

Give this little exercise a try. You can go with major life events, migratory events, births, marriages & deaths; the options are up to you!

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Final Timeline: Dally

 My preliminary research on the Dally family included Catherine Dally, wife of John Simmons, & her father. Follow-up research takes the family back another hundred years. The Dallys were Huguenots, originally D' Ailly from northern France. Jean D'Ailly married Marguerite Madou.

c1644: Jean Dally settles in New Amsterdam.
Apr 1644 -Dec 1645: Jean Dally acquires the ship St. Peter & does business with the West Indies Co.
1646-1648: Dally captains ships along the Atlantic Coast as far south as Northampton Co., VA.
c1650: John Dally is born in either New Amsterdam or Northampton Co., VA.
11 Aug 1668: John marries Elizabeth Obie in New York City.
1676-77: Jean goes into farming on Staten Island.
16 Oct 1680: Nicholas Dally [John & Elizabeth] is christened in the NY Dutch Church.
1689-91: Dally serves on the NY Assembly for Staten Island.
15 May 1691: Jean Dally dies on Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY.
c1700: Elizabeth Obie Dally dies in New York City.
2 Mar 1700: John marries Gertrude Roomen at New York City.
c1705: Nicholas marries Elizabeth Creigier in New York City.
1708: John Dally dies in New York, Kings Co., NY.
11 Mar 1716: Henry Dally [Nich. & Eliz.] is born in NY City.
c9 Nov 1739: Henry marries Sarah Gifford in Perth Amboy, NJ.
c1741: Catherine Dally [Henry & Sarah] is born in Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., NJ.
4 Sep 1756: Catherine Dally marries Dr. William Salter in NY City. [Salter dies by 1758.]
Nov 1756: Henry Dally dies in NY or NJ.
28 Dec 1758: Catherine marries John Simmons in NY City.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Timelines for the Families Lacking Clearcut European Origins - Part III

c1766: Nicholas Reel is born in Virginia.
c1781: Nicholas marries Amy Reeder in Virginia.
4 Apr 1782: Elizabeth Reel [Nicholas & Amy] is born in Virginia.
23 Oct 1798: Elizabeth marries William Smith in Harrison Co., (W) Virginia.
1830: Reels have settled in Rush Co., IN.
Jun/Jul 1830: Nicholas Reel dies in Rush Co., IN.
[The Reels are reportedly of German lineage.]
13 Aug 1761: Henry Smith is born in Virginia.
bef 1780: Henry married his first wife in Virginia. [She dies by late 1780s.]
13 Apr 1780: Son William Smith is born in Virginia.
1781: Henry serves in the Revolutionary War under Col. Penn & then Captain Hill's company at Yorktown, VA.
11 May 1790: Henry marries Elizabeth Powell in Franklin Co., VA.
23 Oct 1798: William marries Elizabeth Reel in Harrison Co., (W) VA.
c1803: Ama Jemima Smith [William & Elizabeth] is born in Virginia.
1810-1814: William Smith moves to Clinton Co., Ohio.
15 Apr 1814: William purchases about 29 acres in Clinton Co., OH. [Which he sells in 18118.]
1818-20: William moves to Highland Co., OH.
23 Sep 1820: William, of Highland Co., sells 50 acres in Clinton Co. to son John.
29 Aug 1822: Ama Jemima marries Jacob Crousore in Clinton Co., OH.
1830: William is residing in Rush Co., IN. [Smiths, Reels, Crousores move as a group.]
29 Nov 1835: Henry dies in Franklin Co., VA.
1840: William is residing in Delaware Co., IN.
1 May 1855: Elizabeth Powell Smith dies in Franklin Co., VA.
1849: William & Elizabeth [Reel] Smith die in Delaware Co., IN.
[The Smith are probably English, but the name could have been Anglicized.]

5 May 1788: Henry Wolary [Ullery] is born in Virginia or Pennsylvania.
1795 & 1796: A Henry Ullery is shown on the Hampshire Co., (W) VA tax lists. [Possible father?]
1801-1814: A Henry Wolary is taxed in Hampshire Co., (W) VA. [Henry would not have been 21 until 1809.]
17 Oct 1811: Henry Wolary marries Elizabeth Rogers in Frederick Co., VA.
17 Sep 1818: William Wolary [Henry & Elizabeth] is born in Frederick Co., VA.
1820-25: Wolarys move to Clinton Co., OH.
6 Jul 1836: Henry Wolary, now of Clinton Co., OH, buys 160 acres in Allen [Auglaize] Co., OH.
29 Dec 1839: Henry acquires 60.92 acres in Auglaize Co., OH [formerly Allen Co.]
8 Aug 1841: William marries Sarah Hubbard in Fayette Co., OH.
c1849: William moves to Clinton Co., OH.
7 Aug 1849: While visiting the Rogers family, Henry dies in Frederick Co., VA.
1851-53: Wolarys move to Grant Co., IN.
26 Oct 1856: Margaret Jane Wolary [William & Sarah] is born in Grant Co., IN.
1860-63: Sarah Hubbard Wolary dies in Grant Co., IN.
1863: William moves back to Clinton Co., OH.
28 Jan 1864: William marries sister-in-law Sina Hubbard in Clinton Co., OH.
16 Sep 1866: Elizabeth Rogers Wolary dies in Auglaize Co., OH.
c1867: Wolarys move to Auglaize Co., OH.
8 Oct 1874: Margaret Jane marries Hugh M. Prall in Auglaize Co., OH.
c1875-79: Wolarys move to Logan Co., OH.
bef 1894: Wolarys move to Shelby Co., OH.
24 Aug 1894: William Wolary dies in Shelby Co., OH.
[Ullery was a German name.]

Timelines for the Families Lacking Clearcut European Origins - Part II

10 Aug 1751: John Faucett is born in Augusta Co., Virginia. [Now Greenbrier Co., WV.]
c1760: During a Shawnee raid into the Greenbrier Valley, John is taken captive & his family killed while his father is away.
c1763-73: John is adopted into the tribe & later is returned to "his own people," possibly in exchange for a horse. [It is unknown if he was ever reunited with his father.]
1776: John is living at Beason's Town near Redstone Fort in modern Fayette Co., PA.
1777-81: John serves six tours of duty as a "ranger & spy" [on the Western Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia & Ohio frontier during the Revolutionary War.
c1790: John Faucett marries Eve Fry in either Pennsylvania or the eastern Ohio Territory.
1797: The Faucetts leave for Ohio.
4 Dec 1797: Joseph Faucett is born on a flatboat on the Ohio River enroute to Ohio.
1798: The Faucetts settle on the Symmes Purchase between the Miami Rivers north of Cincinnati.
30 Dec 1801: John acquires land in Hamilton Co., OH. [Warren Co. in 1804.]
1812-13: John sells land to son Thomas.
18 May 1820: Joseph Faucett marries Rebecca N. Hurin in Warren Co., OH.
25 Sep 1822: John sells off remaining property in Warren Co., OH.
24 Oct 1822: John purchases a 160 acre tract in Hendricks Co. & an adjoining 160 acre tract in Marion Co., IN.
1823: Most of the Faucett clan moves to the new land in Indiana. John settles the Marion Co. tract.
4 Feb 1825: John sells equal thirds of the Hendricks Co. tract to son Joseph & two sons-in-law.
6 Oct 1827: Benjamin Franklin Faucett [Joseph & Rebecca] is born in Washington Twp., Hendricks Co., IN.
26 Oct 1833: John is granted a pension for his Revolutionary War service.
23 Apr 1838: John Faucett dies in Marion Co., IN. [Burial in Shiloh Methodist Cemetery, Avon, IN.]
27 Feb 1839: Joseph Faucett purchases 124.88 acres in Hendricks Co., IN [Sec. 31]
2 Mar 1839: Joseph sells land deeded to him by his father.
6 Aprr 1851: Eve Fry Faucett dies in Marion Co., IN [Buried next to John.]
24 Nov 1852: Benjamin F. Faucett marries Nancy Clark in Hendricks Co., IN.
22 Mar 1862: Charles E. Faucett [Benj. & Nancy] is born in Washington Twp., Hendricks Co., IN.
19 Jan 1871: Rebecca Hurin Faucett dies in Washington Twp., Hendricks Co., IN.
14 Dec 1871: Joseph Faucett dies in Washington Twp., Hendricks Co., IN.
c1882: Benjamin F. Faucett  moves family to Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN.
21 Mar 1885: Benjamin dies in Indianapolis.
12 Apr 1885: Charles E. Faucett marries Elizabeth June Cawby in Indianapolis.
25 Aug 1885: Mayme Faucett [Charles & Lizzie] is born in Indianapolis.
23 Dec 1911: Mayme Faucett marries William Marshall Prall in Indianapolis.
31 Dec 1911: Nancy Clark Faucett dies in Indianapolis.
9 Dec 1934: Charles dies in Indianapolis.
19 Feb 1937: Lizzie Cawby Faucett dies in Indianapolis.
[John Faucett seemingly fits the profile of the Scots-Irish. He was born on the frontier, was uneducated, but had the savvy of  the wilderness & pioneered new territory (Ohio in his mid-40s & Indiana at age 73.) The Faucetts may have been English or Irish as well.]

c1769: Levin Hubbard is born in Dorchester Co., MD.
16 Dec 1789: Levin marries Lydia Marshall in Dorchester Co., MD. [She dies by 1812.]
c1814/5: Levin marries for the 2nd time; name of wife unknown. [She dies between 1824 & 1826.]
c1818: Hubbards move to Delaware.
c1819: Sarah Hubbard [Levin & ????] is born in Delaware.
27 Jan 1825: Levin acquires land in Clinton Co., OH.
29 Nov 1827: Levin marries Charlotte Adams in Ross Co., Ohio.
24 Feb 1831: Sina Hubbard [Levin & Charlotte] is born in Ross Co., OH.
8 Aug 1841: Sarah Hubbard marries William Wolary in Fayette Co., OH.
19 Jun 1849: Levin dies in Clinton Co., OH.
1850-55: Charlotte Adams Hubbard dies in Clinton Co., OH.
Jun 1860 - Dec 1863: Sarah Hubbard Wolary dies in Grant Co., IN.
2 Mar 1862: Sina gives birth to son Peter, whose father is killed during Civil War.
28 Jan 1864: Sina marries widowed brother-in-law William Wolary in Clinton Co., OH.
[My best guess is that the Hubbards were English, but German is a possibility.]

c1725: Thomas Land is born in Virginia.
c1755: Thomas Land marries Anna Sumter in Louisa Co., VA.
c1756: John [Thomas & Anna] is born in Virginia.
May - June 1760: Thomas Land acquires property in Louisa Co. [Albemarle in 1761]
1778: Thomas Land & other family members move to Wilkes Co., NC.
c1780: John, who remains in VA, marries Elizabeth Barlow in Albemarle Co., VA. [She dies in childbirth on 1 Jan 1796.]
c1788: John moves family to Madison/Fayette Co. area in Kentucky.
1790: Thomas Land dies in Wilkes Co., NC.
1 Jan 1796: Betsy Land [John & Elizabeth] is born in Fayette Co., KY.
15 Apr 1802: John marries Rebecca Renfro in Madison Co., KY.
1803/4: John Land moves to Jessamine Co., KY.
Dec 1804: John Land dies in Jessamine Co., KY.
6 Nov 1817: Elizabeth "Betsy" Land marries Willis Gulley in Madison Co., KY.
[The Lands were probably from England, although Moravia has been suggested.]

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Timelines for the Families Lacking Clearcut European Origins - Part I

c1750: Samuel Clark is born in Pennsylvania.
c1780: Samuel migrates to Maryland.
c1790: Samuel migrates to Kentucky.
c1790: Samuel marries Martha ________ probably in Kentucky.
23 May 1792: Son Isaac is born in Kentucky.
1807: Samuel purchases land in Fairfield Twp., Butler Co., Ohio.
12 May 1812: Isaac marries Polly Enyart in Reily Twp., Butler Co., OH. [She dies in 1814.]
30 May 1815: Isaac marries Catherine Miller in Reily Twp., Butler Co., OH.
1820-1826: Samuel Clark dies in Butler Co., OH.
22 May 1827: Widow Martha _______ Clark marries James Bartilow/Partlow in Butler Co., OH. [He dies before 1850.]
16 Jun 1836: Nancy [Isaac & Catherine] is born in Reily Twp., Butler Co., OH.
1849: Isaac moves to Hendricks Co., Indiana.
1850: Isaac purchases 200 acres in Washington Twp., Hendricks Co., IN.
1850-60: Isaac's mother, Martha dies in Hendricks Co., IN.
24 Nov 1852: Nancy Clark marries Benjamin Franklin Faucett in Hendricks Co., IN.
15 Jan 1874: Isaac Clark dies in Hendricks Co., IN.
7 Jan 1879: Catherine Miller Clark dies in Hendricks Co., IN.
If I had to hazard a guess, I would imagine that the Clarks were of English, Scottish or Scots-Irish origin.

c1834: James B. Crail marries Mary Ann Jones in Hamilton Co., Ohio.
20 Jan 1835: Sylvester Crail is born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.
30 May 1837: John Crail is born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.
c1838: Crails move to Marion Co., Ohio,
16 Nov 1839: Aaron Crail is born in Marion Co., Ohio.
1842: J.B. Crail & son are taxed for 240 acres in Addison Twp., Shelby Co., IN - this could be James Sr. & Jr. [The rest of the family of James Sr. was in Shelby Co. at that time.]
20 Sep 1851: Mary A. Crail purchases lot #6 in Marietta, Shelby Co., IN.
5 Mar 1853: Mary A. Crail purchases lot #5 in Marietta, Shelby Co., IN.
13 Oct 1854: James B. & Mary A. Crail sell lots #5 & #6 in Marietta.
9 Jun 1857: Aaron Crail marries Catherine O'Neil at Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN.
4 Apr 1858 James [Aaron & Catherine] is born in Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN.
9 Mar 1864: Brothers Aaron & John Crail enlist in Co. I of the 124th Indiana Infantry at Indianapolis.
17 Mar 1864: Aaron & John are mustered into service at Indianapolis.
23 Jun 1864: Aaron Crail falls ill with chronic diarrhea & rheumatic swelling of the lower limbs due to constant exposure to the elements at the Battle of Kennesaw Mtn., GA.
15 Sep 1864: Aaron returns to duty near Decatur, GA, but is declared unfit for duty 5 days later.
Sep 1864 - Jun 1865: Aaron spends roughly 8 months in field hospitals in Georgia & Ohio.
6 Jun 1865: Aaron is discharged at Camp Dennison, OH.
24 Jun 1865: Aaron purchases an acre of land in Hamilton Co., IN.
25 Mar 1868: Aaron Crail dies of consumption in Hamilton Co., IN.
1870: Catherine is living in Noblesville, IN with 6 minor children.
1880: Catherine & children are living in Peru, Miami Co., IN.
14 Sep 1882: James Crail marries Ama Jemima "Mima" Simmons in Tipton, IN.
1886: The Crails are living in Peru, Miami Co., IN, where James works as a blacksmith.
c1890: James is blacksmithing in Kokomo, IN.
13 Jul 1891: Bess Catherine Crail [James & Mima] is born at Kokomo, Howard Co., IN.
1893/4: James Crail attends the Ontario Veterinary College in Toronto, Canada.
24 Mar 1894: James Crail graduates from Veterinary College & returns to Kokomo.
1900: James has opened a veterinary practice in Shelbyville, Shelby Co., IN.
25 Feb 1908: Dr. James Crail is appointed a federal meat inspector in Chicago, IL.
7 Jan 1910: Bess Catherine Crail marries Charles J. McHugh in Chicago.
18 Mar 1911: James receives a transfer to Indianapolis.
25 Oct 1920: After rporting numerous violations at the Armour & Co. Plant, Dr. Crail was found dead at the foot of a stairwell in the plant. His family did not believe the report that James had a heart attack & fell. Rather he was beaten & thrown down the stairs.
25 Feb 1921: Ruthjane McHugh [Charles & Bess] is born in Marion Co., IN.
4 Jan 1931: Mima Simmons Crail dies at Indianapolis.
29 Jul 1934: Catherine O'Neil Crail dies at Indianapolis.
Over the years, I have been extremely stubborn with this family. James Crail is probably James Berry Crail Jr., son of James Sr. Inconsistencies in research offered from other people & the inability to tie a possible 4th son [George B.] to sons Sylvester, John & Aaron has played a major role in my hesitation. If the Crail lineage proves out to my satisfaction at some point, then the family will trace back to Scotland.

1 Aug 1773: James Cunningham marries Pathiah/Bathiah Standiford in Baltimore, Maryland.
c1782: Bathiah Cunningham is born in Baltimore, MD.
c1790: Harriet Cunningham is born in Baltimore, MD
1801-05 or 1815-16: Captain James Cunningham is captured by Barbary Pirates; his release is negotiated after a fellow Mason or Redman notifies the American Consul. [This incident appears to have taken place during one of the Barbary Wars. If the 1st, it could have been the elder James; if the 2nd, probably the younger. Whichever James it was, he was traveling to Spain a few years later when he died.]
11 Oct 1803: Bathiah marries Captain Ralph Porter in Baltimore. [He dies in 1822.]
31 Jul 1810: Harriet Cunningham marries Captain Zachariah Rhodes in Baltimore. [He dies at sea in 1814.]
1812: Ann Bathiah Rhodes [Zachariah & Harriet] is born in Baltimore.
1812-15: Sea Captain James Cunningham [probably son] serves in the War of 1812.
c1818: Harriet Cunningham Rhodes dies in Baltimore.
c1818/9: Ann becomes ward of Ralph & Bathiah Porter.
1823-1825: Bathiah & Ann move to Harford Co., MD.
2 Feb 1825: Batiah marries Cornelius Prall Jr. in Harford Co., MD
7 Feb 1828: Ann marries Isaac Rittenhouse Prall in Harford Co., MD.
1860-70: Bathiah Cunningham Porter Prall dies in York Co., PA.
1865: Ann Bathiah Rhodes Prall dies in York Co., PA.
The Cunningham timeline relies heavily on a story passed down by one of Ann's sons & written about 1905. No dates were given, so matching events with historical dates is a challenge. The two James Cunnighams could be mixed up as well. Fortunately, I was able to find, at least, a secondary source on Zachariah's death. Census, probate & city directories fleshed out the 1810-1818 stretch. Nativity: Probably Scots or Irish.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Timeline update/correction: Howland, Joyce, Lowe

Back on 25 June, I noted that I had erred in my match-ups of John Lows. Walter Joyce married Elizabeth Low daughter of John Low & Elizabeth Howland. I had recorded the parents as John Low & Elizabeth Stoddard/Stodder. The Howland timeline was posted on 17 June.

Below is the corrected Low - Howland - Joyce Timeline under Low. John was reportedly born in England between 1629 & 1640, but may have had Indian blood & was born in the Massachusetts - Rhode Island area. I have Elizabeth Howland born "before 1647;" she may have been born as early as 1634. 

c1659/60: John Low marries Elizabeth Howland [Arthur Sr. & Margaret] at Marshfield, Plymouth Colony.
c1660: Elizabeth Low [John & Elizabeth] is born at Marshfield, Plymouth Colony.
9 Jun 1664: John Low witnesses a deed from Chicatabutt to Pompanohoo and other Indians living on the Catuhtkut river. [Richard Bourne, the 1st witness on the deed, was a teacher of Indians at Sandwich. John may have been one of his pupils who took an English name.]
2 Mar 1668/9: John Low is fined 5 shillings for drunkenness.
1 Mar 1669/70: John Low is fined 10 shillings for drunkenness.
5 Mar 1670/1: John Low is fined 40 shillings for profaning the Sabbath.
3 Jun 1673: Joseph Rose is suspected of "too much familiarity" with the wife of John Lowe & ordered to refrain from her company.
c1675: Elizabeth Low marries Walter Joyce at Marshfield.
26 Mar 1676: John Low, serving in Captain Price's Company, is among the 63 soldiers & 20 Wampanoags massacred by the Narragansetts at what is now Central Falls, Rhode Island near Cumberland.
5 Jun 1678: Elizabeth Low is sentenced to be whipped for having a child out of wedlock [Daniel]; she accuses Phillip Leonard of being the father.
12 Oct 1683: Elizabeth Howland Low dies at Marshfield.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The 1800s: Well, the 1830s - 1850s Anyway!

c1832: Brothers John & Daniel McHugh [with wife & two children] emigrate from County Donegal, Ireland to Pennsylvania to work in the coal mines in Schuylkill Co.
c1836: John McHugh marries Sarah Hickey in Pennsylvania.
c1845: John & Daniel move west to Galena, Jo Daviess Co., Illinois.
c1846: James McHugh [John & Sarah] is born in Jo Daviess Co., IL.
C1847: The McHughs move to near Gratiot in Lafayette Co., Wisconsin.
20 Jan 1874: James McHugh marries Louisa Wagner in Lafayette Co., WI.
c1877: James moves family to Shullsburgh, Lafayette Co., WI.
1886-87: McHughs sell lots #7 & 8 in the village of Collins.
20 Mar 1887: Charles Joseph McHugh [James & Louisa] is born in Lafayette Co., WI.
3 Nov 1887: John McHugh dies at Gratiot, Lafayette Co., WI.
25 Nov 1896: James McHugh enters the Wisconsin State Hospital for treatment for sclerosis of the spinal chord, which causses him to become extremely irritated.
6 Jun 1898: James McHugh dies at Shullsburgh.
22 Jul 1901: Sarah Hickey McHugh dies at Gratiot, Lafayette Co., WI.
c1904: Louisa moves the family to Chicago, IL.
13 Sep 1906: Louisa Wagner McHugh dies at Chicago.
7 Jan 1910: Charles marries Bess Catherine Crail in Chicago, IL.
1911: McHugh & Crails move to Indianapolis, IN.
1912: Charles buys Universal Tool & Die at auction & runs the company until the Great Depression.
8 Feb 1915: Charles applies for a patent for the "Putt-Putt" boat [a power propelled toy boat].
10 Oct 1916: Charles receives patent for the toy boat.
25 Aug 1921: Ruthjane McHugh [Charles & Bess] is born in Indianapolis.
24 Aug 1826: Charles & his business partner are granted a patent for an improved model of the Putt-Putt Boat.
c1931-33: McHughs move briefly to Vermont to try the lumber business.
1937-1942: Charles owned & operated Indianapolis Tool & Die.
1938: Ruthjane graduates from Washington High School.
23 Aug 1940: Ruthjane marries Hugh Charles Prall in Indianapolis.
1942-1946: Charles & sons George & Jack ran  Craftsman Tool & Engineering Co.
20 Sep 1952: Bess Catherine Crail McHugh dies in Indianapolis.
5 Mar 1954: Charles McHugh dies in Indianapolis.

c1840: John Wagner, possibly with his family, arrives in Pennsylvania from Baden.
c1842: John marries Catherine Laubscher in Pennsylvania.
1844/5: The Wagners, with Lewis & George Laubscher move to Madison Co., Missouri.
12 Feb 1849: Louisa Wagner is born in Madison Co., MO.
1850: Catherine & three children are living with George Laubscher while John checks out land in SW Wisconsin.
Apr 1851: John Wagner & George Laubscher purchase land in Lafayette Co., WI.
May - Oct 1851: John Wagner dies in Lafayette Co., WI.
Nov 1851: George Laubscher sells half of the land to his sister Catherine.
20 Jan 1874: Louisa Wagner marries James McHugh in Lafayette Co., WI.
c1882: Catherine Laubscher Wagner dies in Lafayette Co., WI.

c1840: Lewis, Catherine, George & Charles Laubscher arrive in Pennsylvania with their parents from Baden. They settle in the Pike - Wayne Co. area.
c1842: Catherine marries John Wagner in Pennsylvania.
1844/5: The Wagners, with Lewis & George Laubscher move to Madison Co., Missouri.

25 Aug 1852: Catherine O'Neil, servant, of County Cork, Ireland, arrives in New York City aboard the Yorkshire out of Liverpool, England.
1853-56: Catherine migrates to central Indiana.
9 June 1857: Catherine marries Aaron Crail at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Indianapolis, IN.
4 Apr 1858: James Crail is born in Indianapolis.
25 Mar 1868: Catherine is left a widow with 6 minor children when Aaron dies from consumption.
1868: Catherine moves family to Noblesville, Hamilton Co., IN, where son James finds work as a blacksmith.
4 Jun 1868: Catherine receives a widow's pension for Aaron's Civil War service.
c1880: Catherine moves family to Peru, Miami Co., IN.
c1893-1900: Catherine was living in Indianapolis, while son James was working on his veterinary license in Canada.
c1901-09: Catherine resides in Shelbyville, IN. [Part of that time with son James.]
1910-11: Catherine lives with son James in Chicago.
1912-34: Catherine lives in Indianapolis.
15 Dec 1933: Family celebrates Catherine's 100th birthday.
29 Jul 1934: Catherine O'Neil Crail dies in Indianapolis.

Catherine O'Neil was the last of my ancestors to arrives in the U.S. It took 252 years for everyone to get here!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

1751-1799 Hodge-podge Part II

My apologies for deviating from my chronology, but I wanted to post & didn't have time for the last  family below. The next post will be my four 1800s families, all on Mom's side! After that, I'll be dealing with the ten families that I haven't traced back to England, Scotland, Ireland or Germany, where I suspect they originated & the Low family, which I goofed up on some 15 or so years back.

1751-55: John Simmons arrives in New York City from Hampshire, England.
28 Dec 1758: John Simmons marries widow Catherine Dally Salter in NYC.
24 Oct 1761: Son John Jr. is born at NYC.
8 Oct 1770: John Simmons opens his tavern at the corner of Wall & Nassau St. in NYC.
1773-76: The Common Council of NY City meets at Simmons' tavern.
Mar - May 1776: John Sr. serves with the provisional 2nd Regiment of New York
c Sep 1776: The Simmons family evacuates NYC as British troops begin their occupation of the city.
1776-77: John relocates his family to Orange Co., NY & then to Burlington Co., NJ.
4Apr 1778 - 9 Aug 1780: John Simmons Jr. serves in Hays NY Militia, guarding the Hudson's north shore from invasion.
c1780: John Jr. marries Mary Nelson in New York.
1781-82: John Jr. serves in Weissenfel's Regiment of NY Levies.
16 Oct 1781: John William Simmons [John & Mary] is born in New York.
c1783: John Simmons Sr. returns to NYC.
25 Nov 1783: George Washington attends the "Evacuation Day" celebration at Simmons' Tavern.
Feb 1784: James Duane is installed as the 1st American Mayor of New York City at Simmons' Tavern.
1790/1: Mary Nelson Simmons dies in NYC.
1791/2: John Jr. moves to Philadelphia, PA.
8 Jan 1792: John Jr. marries widow Lucy Morris Cunningham at Philadelphia.
1793: John Sr. & three others invest in 43000 acres on the Unadilla River in Montgomery [Chenango] Co., NY.
1793: John Jr. is sent to serve as agent for the 4850 acres [19 lots] & occupies Lot #75 in Town #16.
12 Aug 1795: John Sr. dies in NYC.
c1803: John W. marries Dolly Jennison at New Berlin, Chenango Co., NY.
23 Oct 1804: James Morris Simmons [John W. & Dolly] is born at New Berlin, Chenango Co., NY.
1814: John Jr. sells his Chenango Co., NY property & moves to near Canonsburgh, PA.
1817-20: John Jr. moves to Dearborn Co., IN.
15 Jul 1818: Catherine Dally Simmons dies in Washington, D.C. at the home of eldest son William.
1819: John W. moves family to Switzerland Co., IN.
c1821: John W. relocates to Ohio.
c1822: Lucinda Morris Simmons dies, probably in Indiana.
1823: John Jr. is back in New York, residing in Canajoharie Co.
12 Feb 1824: John Jr. marries Margaret Harbison in Wheeling, (W)VA.
1824: John Jr. returns to Canosburgh & opens a "public house" on the road from Washington to Pittsburgh.
c1825: James Morris Simmons settles in Warren Co., OH.
26 Oct 1826: James Morris marries Hester Jane Moore in Warren Co., OH.
31 Jan 1828: John T. Simmons [James & Hester] is born in Warren Co., OH.
1830: John W. & James Morris reside in Oxford Twp., Butler Co., OH.
1833: John Jr., now a resident of Monroe Co., Ohio, applies for his Revolutionary War pension.
1834: John Jr. moves to East Wheeling, (W) VA.
6 Mar 1836: Robert W. Cunningham, grandson of John Sr.'s 2nd wife, Lucy, & nephew of Dolly, John W.'s wife, is killed in defense of the Alamo in San Antonio de Bexar, Texas.
1840: John W. is living in Henry Co., OH & James Morris in Prebble Co., OH.
19 May 1843: John Simmons Jr. dies at his home in East Wheeling.
c1845: James Morris & John T. move to Howard Co., IN.
1845-47: John W. moves to Newport, Campbell Co., KY.
24 Jun 1849: John T. marries Edith Crousore in Howard Co., IN.
c1857: John William Simmons dies at Newport, KY.
25 Jan 1858: Ama Jemima Simmons [John T. & Edith] is born in Howard Co., IN.
Nov 1860: Widow Dolly is living with son Slyvanus in Henry Co., IN & later moves to Kentucky.
11 Mar 1862: Dolly Jennison Simmons dies in Covington, KY.
9 Mar 1864: Margaret Harbison Simmons dies in Washington Co., PA.
1867: John T. moves to Sharpsville, Tipton Co., IN.
May 1876: Hester Jane Moore Simmons dies in Howard Co., IN. [James Morris moves to Carroll Co. to reside with son Samuel.]
1 Apr 1877: Edith Crousore Simmons dies in Sharpsville, Tipton Co., IN.
14 Sep 1882: Ama Jemima Simmons marries Dr. James Crail at Tipton,
27 May 1883: James Morris Simmons dies at Camden, Carroll Co., IN.
2 Aug 1909: John T. Simmons dies at Sharpsville.

Monday, July 7, 2014

1751-1799 Hodge-podge Part I

c1752: Nicholas Kraushaar arrives in Philadelphia.
c1756: Nicholas marries Elisabetha _______ in Pennsylvania.
c1773: John Crousore is born in Pennsylvania.
7 Apr 1785: Nicholas purchases 249 acres in Fayette Co., PA.
c1798: John marries in Fayette Co., PA
c1804: Son Jacob is born in Fayette Co., PA.
1810: John is living in Fayette Co., PA.
c1813: Nicholas Crousore dies in Fayette Co., PA.
c1814: John moves to Clinton Co., OH.
22 Aug 1822: Jacob Crousore marries Ama Jemima 'Amy' Smith in Clinton Co., OH.
c1826: Crousores move to Rush Co., IN.
20 May 1829: Edith [Jacob & Amy] is born in Rush Co., IN
1834-37: Crousores move to Delaware Co., IN.
1840: John Crousore is living in Madison Co., IN.
c1849: Crousores move to Howard Co., IN
24 Jun 1849: Edith marries John T. Simmons in Howard Co., IN.
bef 1860: John Crousore dies in Howard Co., IN.
1873: Jacob moves to McPherson Co., KS
c1876: Amy Smith Crousore dies in McPherson Co., KS.
1877/8: Jacob Crousore dies in McPherson Co., KS.

c1760: John Cawby arrives in Philadelphia from Germany.
c1760: John Cawby settles in Maryland.
c1768: John marries 1st wife in Maryland.
1777: Son Martin is born in Maryland [perhaps NC.]
16 Feb 1789: John "Gaba" settles on 100 acres along Howard's Creek in Lincoln Co., North Carolina.
c1790: John marries Anna Margaretha Rheinhardt Fulbright in Lincoln Co., NC
1 Sep 1791: John purchases another 100 acres along Howard's Creek.
31 Dec 1805: Martin "Gavey" acquires 55 acres adjoining his father's tract.
22 May 1806: John sells his two 100 acre tracts to sons Martin & David.
6 Oct 1808: Martin sells his NC property.
1808/9: John & sons Martin & David move to Jessamine Co., KY.
6 Nov 1809: Martin marries Susanna Trisler in Jessamine Co., KY.
1810-16: Cawbys appear on Jessamine Co., KY Tax lists.
8 Feb - 7 Mar 1815: Martin serves in War of 1812; regiment marches for Canada, word that war ends reaches them in Urbana, OH.
6 Jul 1818: Martin Cawby Jr. is born in Jessamine Co., KY.
1819/20: John Cawby dies in Jessamine Co., KY.
23 Aug 1824: Martin Cawby dies in Jessamine Co., KY.
2 Aug 1847: Martin Jr. marries Elizabeth Ann Masters in Jessamine Co., KY.
c1850: Martin Jr. moves to Johnson Co., Indiana.
28 Nov 1852: Elizabeth Masters Cawby dies in Johnson Co., IN
1858: Susanna Trisler Cawby dies in Johnson Co., IN.
c1858: Widow Anna Cawby dies in Mercer Co., KY.
11 Mar 1858: Martin Jr. marries Lucinda Gulley in Decatur Co., IN. [They lived in Johnson Co.]
16 Dec 1867: Elizabeth June Cawby is born in Johnson Co., IN.
c1870: Cawbys move to Hendricks Co., IN.
c1880: Cawbys move to Indianapolis.
18 Apr 1885: Elizabeth marries Charles E. Faucett in Indianapolis.
14 Jun 1898: Martin Jr. dies in Indianapolis.
28 Sep 1920: Lucinda Gulley Cawby dies in Indianapolis.

Apr 1780: Dr. Peter Trisler, his wife, Elizabeth [Howser] & two children arrive in Maryland or Philadelphia aboard the Royal Edith.
1780: Dr. Trisler settles at Hagerstown, Maryland.
1788: Susanna Trisler is born in Maryland.
1791: The Trislers settle along Jessamine Creek in Kentucky.
1794: Trisler moves within the boundaries of present-day Jessamine Co., KY.
6 Nov 1809: Susanna marries Martin Cawby Sr. in Jessamine Co., KY.
22 Apr 1821: Peter Trisler dies in Jessamine Co., KY.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

At Last! The Timeline Machine Moves into the 1700s!

We now jump ahead twenty-some years into the first half of the 18th century......

c1719: William Wall arrives in Rhode Island.
1 Dec 1720: William Wall announces his intent to wed Susannah Goddard.
28 Jan 1721: William Wall marries Susannah Goddard at Jamestown, Rhode Island.
17 Feb 1723/4: Son John Wall is born at Warwick, RI.
6/16 Aug 1742: William Wall dies at North Kingstown, RI.
bef 1750: John Wall marries Patience Pierce at Warwick, RI.
1750: Susannah [John & Patience] is born at Warwick, RI.
12 Mar 1768: Susannah marries Holden Rhodes at Warwick, RI.

c1728: William & Elizabeth Sumter arrive in America & settle in Hanover Co., VA. [Louisa Co. in 1743 & later Albemarle Co.]
c1737: Daughter Anna is born in Hanover Co., VA
Nov 1752: William Sumter dies in Louisa Co., VA.
c1755: Anna marries Thomas Land in Louisa Co., VA.
(This is also the family of General Thomas Sumter, "The Gamecock" of South Carolina.)

c1730-1735: Thomas Gulley arrives in Virginia. [He may have married Mary _______ after arrival.]
24 Mar 1739: A Thomas Gulley receives a 400 acre grant in Orange Co., VA.
c1750: Thomas Gulley appears on a list of individuals who proved their importation to Virginia in order to obtain a "head right."
c1750: Enoch Gulley [Thomas & Mary] is born in Orange Co., VA.
22 Aug 1771: Thomas Gulley purchases 95 acres in Orange Co., VA.
26 Dec 1781: Enoch marries Frances Ann "Frankey" Franklin in Culpepper Co., VA.
1783: Thomas Gulley dies in Orange Co., VA.
14 Feb 1794: Willis [Enoch & Frances] is born in Culpepper Co., VA.
c1795: Enoch moves to Elbert Co., Georgia [on the South Carolina border.]
1811: Enoch Gulley appears on the Tax List for Davidson Co., Tennessee.
c1812: Willis Gulley moves to Madison Co., Kentucky.
Feb-May 1815: Willis Gulley serves in the 17th Kentucky militia regiment. [Regt. marched to Urbana, OH for invasion of Canada when war ended.]
6 Nov 1817: Willis marries Betsy Land in Madison Co., KY.
1820: Enoch is enumerated in the census for Madison Co., Kentucky. [He may have moved there as early as 1815.]
10 Mar 1828: Enoch, with sons Elias & Willis, acquire land in Shelby Co., Indiana.
1828/9: Enoch Gulley dies in Shelby Co., IN.
22 Mar 1831: Lucinda Gulley [Willis & Betsy] is born in Shelby Co.
1834: Willis moves family to Decatur Co., IN.
11 Mar 1858: Lucinda marries Martin Cawby, Jr. in Adams Twp., Decatur Co., IN.
1865: Gulleys move to Eel River Twp., Hendricks Co., IN.
1871: Gulleys return to Decatur Co., IN.
7 Aug 1879: Willis dies in Adams Twp., Decatur Co., IN.
9 Apr 1880: Betsy Land Gulley dies in Adams Twp., Decatur Co., IN.
(Enoch may have served in the Revolutionary War. The DAR records show a George Gulley with wife Frances Ann Franklin. Other details match Enoch, except for an 1814 death.)

30 Aug 1743: Hans Casper Rinker, his step-mother & siblings arrive at Philadelphia aboard the Francis & Elizabeth out of Rotterdam with other Swiss emigrants. The Rinkers settle at Germantown.
c1750: Casper & brothers Jacob & Henry travel to Virginia. [Henry buys land in Frederick Co. on 15 May 1753.]
11 Apr 1757: Casper Rinker marries Maria Schultz at Germantown.
c1758: Rinkers move to Frederick Co., VA.
9 Sep 1759: Daughter Maria Magdalene Rinker is born in Frederick Co., VA
2 Jun 1762: Casper "of Frederick Co." acquires 800 acres in Hampshire Co., VA.
8 Sep 1762: Casper is deeded lot 104 in Winchester by brother Henry.
7 Oct 1770: George Washington dined at the Rinker's home.
1775: Casper has 338 acres surveyed in Frederick Co.
1 Apr 1777: Casper replaces Robert White as commander of local militia company, with a promotion from lieutenant to captain.
c1779: Maria marries Daniel Allemong in Frederick Co. [Daniel dies before 1787.]
30 Oct 1787: Maria marries John Rogers in Frederick Co.
1802: Casper has acquired 2180 acres in Frederick & Shenandoah Counties.
8 Feb 1804: Casper Rinker dies near Gainsboro in Frederick Co., VA.
26 Jan 1820 or 26: Maria Schultz Rinker dies in Frederick Co., VA.
(Maria Schultz's family probably arrived in Philadelphia about the same time as the Rinkers.)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Timelines for the 1690s:

c1690: Hugh Mahurin arrives in Massachusetts & settles at Taunton.
c1691: High marries Mary Campbell in Bristol Co., Mass.
c1691: Son Ebenezer is born in Bristol Co., Mass.
15 Mar 1692/3: Hugh is granted 20 acres in a valley near Stage Pond.
26 Jul 1695: Hugh acquires two tracts totally 17 1/2 acres. [The Mahurin property is in that part of Taunton that becomes Raynham in 1731.]
1718: Ebenezer is deeded 29 acres by his father.
May 1718: Hugh Mahurin dies at Taunton, Bristol, Mass.
12 Dec 1718: Ebenezer marries Bathsheba Joyce at Taunton.
11 Nov 1729: Seth Mahurin [Ebenezer & Bathsheba] is born at Taunton/Raynham.
26 Jul 1731: Ebenezer moves his family to Hunterdon Co., NJ, probably due to the ironworks located there.  [That part that becomes Morris Co.]
1738: The Mahurins are among the earliest members of the First Presbyterian Church of Morristown.
c1753: Seth marries Mary Hazen in Morris Co., NJ.
Nov 1755: Ebenezer dies in Pequannock Twp., Morris Co., NJ.
10 Jan 1759: Othniel Mahurin [Seth & Mary] is born in Morris Co., NJ
May 1776: Seth is among the signers of the "Articles of Association" pledging their support to the Continental & Provincial Congress.
18 Mar 1780: Seth is awarded a certificate for payment by the Quartermaster at Morristown for supplies provided during the winter encampment there.
1787: The Mahurins relocate to New Marlborough Twp., Ulster Co., NJ.
1790: Seth is listed as "Seth Hurin" in the 1st US Census, having dropped the 1st two letters of his surname.
C1794: Ohtniel marries Bathiah St. John in Ulster Co., NY.
30 Jun 1794: Mary Hazen Hurin dies in Ulster Co., NY.
c1795: The Hurin families leave NY for Cincinnati, Ohio.
1800: Seth acquires land in that part of Hamilton Co. that becomes Warren Co. in 1804.
1800: Othniel settles near Red Lion & Lebanon in Hamilton/Warren Co.
20 Sep 1801: Rebecca Norrice Hurin [Othniel & Bathiah] is born in Hamilton Co., OH.
4 Feb 1813: Othniel dies in an accident in Warren Co., OH.
8 Oct 1815: Seth Hurin dies in Warren Co., Ohio.
18 May 1820: Rebecca N. Hurin marries Joseph Faucett in Warren Co., OH.
14 Jul 1831: Bathiah St. John Hurin dies at Red Lion, Warren Co., OH.

c1697: Thomas Barlow arrives in Virginia. [nothing further]
1719: Son Thomas Jr. is recorded as a landowner in Hanover Co., Virginia.
c1726: Henry [Thomas & ????] is born in Hanover [Caroline] Co.
c1756: Henry marries Judith Livingston in Caroline Co., VA.
19 Nov 1761: Henry Barlow & John Carlton acquire land on Priddy's Creek in Albemarle Co.
c1762: Daughter Elizabeth is born in Caroline Co., VA.
1778: Thomas Jr. dies in Albemarle Co., VA.
c1780: Elizabeth marries John Land in Virginia.
1789: Henry is residing in Fayette Co., Kentucky
1790: Henry is residing in Woodford Co., Kentucky
c1792-93: The Barlows move to Scott Co., KY
1814: Henry Barlow dies in Scott Co., KY.
1815: Judith Livingston Barlow dies in Scott Co., KY.

Evans & Pugh:
1698: Robert Pugh & Sarah Evans arrive in Pennsylvania & settle in the Welsh Quaker settlement of Gwynned.
21 Jun 1717: Ellen [Robert & Sarah] marries John Rogers at Gwynned MM.
1717: Robert Pugh dies at Gwynned.
c1740: Sarah Evans Pugh dies at Gwynned, Montgomery Co., PA.
(Robert ap Hugh & Sarah verch Evan were descended from Ievan  Robert Lewis.)

c1698:  Roger ap Robert arrives in Pennsylvania & settles in the Merion Welsh Tract at Gwynned.
2 Aug 1700: Roger's wife Elizabeth dies at Gwynned.
1 Jul 1715: Roger marries widow Mary Price Roberts at Radnor MM.
21 Jun 1717: John Rogers [Roger & Elizabeth] marries Ellen Pugh at Gwynned MM.
21 Jun 1722: Son Evan is born at North Wales, Montgomery Co., PA.
July 1723: Roger ap Roberts dies near Philadelphia, PA.
1742: John moves family to Back Creek Valley, Frederick Co., VA.
15 Apr 1749: Evan Rogers marries Sarah Ballinger at Hopewell MM, Frederick Co., VA.
31 Oct 1750: John [Evan & Sarah] is born in Back Creek Valley, Frederick Co., VA.
25 Apr 1751: Evan has a 220 acre grant surveyed on Back Creek.
Apr 1763: John Rogers dies near Gainsboro, Frederick Co., VA.
1767: Evan is a founder of the Bear Garden MM on Mill Branch Creek.
cSep 1767: Ellen Pugh Rogers dies Gainsboro, Frederick Co., VA.
26 Jul 1770: Sarah Ballinger Rogers dies in childbirth at home on Mill Branch Creek.
30 Oct 1787: John marries Maria Magdelene [Rinker] Allemong in Frederick Co., VA.
5 Dec 1787: John is reported to Hopewell MM for marrying out of unity & removed from the church.
21 Feb 1788: Elizabeth [John & Mary] is born in Back Creek Valley.
Nov 1805: Evan Rogers dies in Back Creek Valley.
17 Oct 1811: Elizabeth Rogers marries Henry Wolary in Frederick Co., VA.
23 Jun 1823: Mary Rinker Rogers dies at home in Bear Creek Valley.
Nov. 1826: John Rogers dies at home in Bear Creek Valley.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The 1680s Timelines

27 Oct 1682: Thomas Howell & children arrive at Newcastle aboard the Welcome.
Nov 1682: The Howells settle on the land Thomas purchased in 1677 on the north side of Cooper's Creek, Waterford [Delaware] Twp., Gloucester [Camden] Co., West Jersey.
4 Sep 1686: Son Daniel marries Hannah Lakin at Philadelphia.
8 Mar 1687: Daniel transfers his 250 acre portion of Cooper's Creek plantation to brother Mordecai & moves to Philadelphia.
1687: Son Mordecai returns to England & brings back mother, Katherine [Thomas] Howell.
Oct 1687: Thomas Howell dies at Cooper's Creek home.
c1690: Daniel moves to Solebury Twp., Bucks Co., PA.
Sep-Oct 1695: Widow Katherine dies at residence near Philadelphia.
c1700: Catherine [Daniel & Hannah] is born at Philadelphia.
c1719: Catherine Howell marries William Rittenhouse at Germantown, PA.
Sep 1739: Daniel Howell died in Solebury Twp., Bucks Co., PA. [Hannah preceded him in death.]

1682-83: Brothers John [1682] & Thomas [1683] Bowater arrive in Pennsylvania ahead of their half-sister Mary.
1705: Mary Bowater arrives at Philadelphia following the death of her parents.
28 June 1705: Mary joins Philadelphia MM.
28 Jun 1706: Mary Bowater marries James Wright in East Nottingham Twp., Chester Co., PA.

c1687: Henry Goddard settles in York, Massachusetts [now Maine].
1688: Henry buys 40 acres & erects a fulling mill, which he sells in 1690.
1690-92: Henry relocates to Jamestown, RI.
17 Aug 1693: Henry Goddard marries Quaker Mary Howland at  Jamestown, RI.
21 Jun 1696: Henry is made a freeman at Jamestown.
16 Feb 1701/2: Susannah [Henry & Mary] is born at Jamestown.
29 Jan 1741/2: Mary Howland Goddard dies at Eastham, Barnstable, Mass.
30 Aug 1744: Henry dies at Newport, RI.

1688: Wilhelm Rittenhouse arrives at New Amsterdam with his wife & three children & migrates to Germantown, PA.
1690: Wilhelm leases 20 acres in Roxborough Twp., Philadelphia Co., PA for the purpose of building a paper mill.
1690-1710: Rittenhouses operate the only papermill in British colonial America.
7 May 1691: Rittenhouses are among 64 Germantown settlers to be naturalized as British citizens.
c1694: Son Gerhard/Garret marries Mary Schumacher? at Germantown.
c1695: Garret establishes a farm in Cresheim, Germantown Twp., PA.
c1695: William [Garret & Mary] is born in Cresheim.
c1701: Wilhelm is ordained as the 1st Menno Divisionnite minister in America.
1701: The papermill is destroyed by flood & rebuilt in 1702.
1703/4: Garret purchases tracts of 50 & 175 acres in Cresheim for farming & erecting a gristmill.
cFeb 1708: Wife Giertrude Pieters Rittenhouse dies at Germantown.
18 Feb 1708: Wilhelm Rittenhouse dies at Germantown, PA.
c1719: William moves to Hunterdon Co., NJ
c1719: Willam marries Catherine Howell in Hunterdon Co., NJ.
13 Jul 1726: Isaac [William & Catherine] is born at Rosemont.
c1728: Garret's wife Mary dies in Cresheim.
18 Nov 1734: William purchases 1000 acres [800 east of Rosemont, 200 along the Kings Highway] in Hunterdon Co.
1737: William builds a stone house in Rosemont & opens a tavern called "Crosskeys."
Feb 1742/3: Garret dies in Cresheim.
c1757: Isaac marries Susannah Baker in Hunterdon Co., NJ.
Apr 1767: William dies at Rosemont.
21 Feb 1771: Elizabeth Rittenhose [Isaac & Susannah] is born at Rosemont.
1778: Catherine Howell Rittenhouse dies following a fall into a well at Rosemont.
1789-97: Isaac is granted a license to operate a "puplic house" [tavern].
2 Jan 1791: Elizabeth marries Cornelius Prall Jr. in Hunterdon Co., NJ.
23 Feb 1809: Isaac Rittenhouse dies at Rosemont.
4 Jun `1824: Susannah Baker Rittenhouse dies at Rosemont.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Timelines for the 1670s

c1670 [as early as 1668] Walter Joyce arrives in New England & settles at Marshfield, Plymouth.
c1675/6: Walter marries Elizabeth Low at Marshfield.**
17 Jan 1692/3: Daughter Bathsheba is born at Marshfield.
21 Aug 1698: Elizabeth Low Joyce dies at Marshfield.
1713: Walter Joyce dies at Marshfield.
12 Dec 1718: Bathsheba Joyce marries Ebenezer Mahurin at Marshfield.
(**As I evaluate my old records, some errors crop up. It would appear that has happened with the Joyce-Low family. I have Elizabeth Low's parents as John Low & Elizabeth Stodder/Stoddard of Hingham. A number of searches & a reevaluation of my own files, leads me to believe that Elizabeth was the daughter of John Low & Elizabeth Howland of Marshfield. Elizabeth was a daughter of Arthur & Margaret Howland & sister to Arthur Jr.. I will amend the Howland timeline & plug the Lowe timeline in where it fits. At least connecting Elizabeth to her correct parents will be a relatively easy fix.)

c1677: Peter Twiss is named as a servant of a Captain Marshall at Salem, Massachusetts.
26 Oct 1680: Peter marries Ann MacCallum/Callum at Marblehead, Mass.
Sep 1681: Peter Twiss Jr. is born at Salem.
20 Dec 1699: Peter Jr. marries Sarah Nurse at Salem.
Sep 1700: Peter co-purchases a tract of land lying partly in Lynn & partly in Salem.
11 Jan 1719: Martha [Peter Jr. & Sarah] is born at Salem.
1743: Peter Twiss dies in Essex Co., Massachusetts.
1745: Martha Twiss marries Joseph Jennison at Salem.
29 Sep 1757: Peter Twiss Jr, dies at Danvers [old Salem Village.]

16 Aug 1677: Thomas & Eleanor [Bagwell] Harding, Quakers, arrive at Newcastle aboard the Kent.
Oct 1677: Thomas is one of the founders of Burlington Twp. Burlington Co. in West Jersey.
Dec 1681: Harding acquires a 200 acre tract on the Rancokus River.
4 Nov 1684: Daughter Mary marries Henry Ballinger at the Burlington Monthly Meeting.
1691: Thomas purchases the 500 acre "Two Brothers" tract on the Fenwick River. [Sells it in 1700.]
10 July 1692: Eleanor dies in Burlington Co., NJ.
3 May 1693: Thomas marries Elizabeth Nichols in Burlington Co.
10 May 1707: Elizabeth Nichols Harding dies in Burlington Co.
c6 Oct 1708: Thomas dies in Burlington Co., NJ

1678: Henry Ballinger arrives at Newcastle aboard the Kent.
4 Nov 1684: Henry marries Mary Harding at the Burlington Monthly Meeting [NJ].
1697: Henry is appointed to the Burlington Assembly.
1697: Son Josiah Ballinger is born in Burlington Co., NJ.
1725: Josiah & brother Henry move to the Monocacy Valley in present-day Frederick Co., Maryland.
1726: The first Monthly Meeting of the Monocacy Valley Quakers is held at Josiah Ballinger's home.
31 Aug 1727: Josiah marries Mary Wright at the Monocacy MM.
27 Nov 1731: Sarah [Josiah & Mary] is born in Frederick Co., VA.
Apr 1733: Henry Ballinger dies in Burlington Co., NJ.
1735: Josiah & family join the Quaker migration to Virginia. They settle on a 500 acre tract on Apple Pie Ridge in the Shenandoah Valley.
Dec 1748: Josiah Ballinger dies in Frederick Co., VA
15 Apr 1749: Sarah Ballinger marries Evan Rogers at the Hopewell MM, Frederick Co., VA.
May-Aug 1755: Various units of Braddock's Army camp at the "Widow Ballinger's."
24 Oct 1800: Mary Wright Ballinger dies in Frederick Co., VA.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Sixties! 1660s that is!

1660: Louis DuBois, his wife, two infant sons & niece [Marie Billiou] arrive in New Amsterdam & join Louis' in-laws & others at Esopus on the Hudson River.
1660: DuBois & others remove to Wildwyck, New Netherland. [Louis' sister, Francoise Billiou & her family arrive at Staten Island.]
1662: DuBois & others establish the village of Nieu Dorp [Hurley] about a mile west of Wildwyck. Louis establishes a trading post at the village.
7 Jun 1663: Indians raid & burn settlement, taking 34 captives, including Catherine DuBois & 3 of her children.
Sep 1663: The captives are rescued.
1667: Louis draws lots 16 & 24 in Nieu Dorp/Hurley.
1670: Louis gives permission for his niece, Marie Billiou to marry wheelwright Arent Jansen [Prall].
13 Oct 1676: Louis & Catherine sign an agreement providing for their children's education & inheritance.
26 May 1677: DuBois & others purchase land from the Indians for the village of New Paltz.
1686-88: Louis is granted a meadow north of Kingston.
1689: Louis is granted a tract north of Kingston on the Great Bennewater.
23 Jun 1693: Louis DuBois dies at Kingston, Ulster Co., NY.
Dac 1713: Catherine Blanchon DuBois dies at Kingston.

1660: William Allen arrives in New England & settles at Warwick, RI.
c1663: Willam marries Elizabeth _______ at Warwick. The couple moves to Portsmouth.
1664: Daughter Mary is born at Portsmouth, RI.
c1679: Mary marries Thomas Remington at Portsmouth.
Jun 1685: William Allen dies at Portsmouth.

1660: Marie Billiou arrives in New Amsterdam with her uncle's family.
6 Aug 1661: Pierre Billiou, wife Francoise, four daughters & newborn son arrive at New Amsterdam aboard the St. Jean Baptiste.
22 Aug 1661: Billiou & 18 others petition the government to allow them to settle Staten Island.
22 Aug 1663: Billious settle on Staten Island & begin construction of house that still stands today.
14 May 1669: Pierre is made commander of the local militia.
1670-90: Pierre acquires tracts of land on Long Island & in New Jersey.
c1675: Daughter Marie, husband Arent Jansen Prall & 2 children move to Staten Island.
c1690: Marie Billiou Prall dies on Staten Island.
c1695: Francoise DuBois Billiou dies on Staten Island.
19 Jan 1696: Pierre marries Geertje Spiegelaer on Staten Island.
cDec 1701: Pierre dies on Staten Island.

1661: A Johannes Christoffels was among the Staten Island patentees, he may be the immigrant of the family.
c1669: Hans Christoffels marries Tryntje Barents Blom on Long Island, NY.
c1674: Maria Christoffels is born on Long Island.
1675-76: Has appears on the assessment rolls for Brooklyn & Middlewout.
22 Feb 1678/9: Hans purchases a farm at Ould Dorp on Staten Island next to the Billious.
c1690: Hans dies on Staten Island.
1690-93: Tryntje Blom Christoffels marries Arent Jansen Prall on Staten Island. [She dies sometime before 1721.]
c1693: Maria Christoffels marries Pieter Prall on Staten Island.

Sep 1664: Edward Whittaker arrives in New Amsterdam as a soldier in Captain Broadhead's Company in the Duke of York's Regiment to take control of the colony from the Dutch..
1664: Whittaker is stationed at Wildwyck.
Nov 1667: While in New York City, Edward meets Hannah Wakeman Hackleton & hires her as a servant.
1669: Whittaker receives a grant of land at Kingston from the governor after the regiment is disbanded & resides at Hussey's Hill.
4 Jun 1670: Hannah appears before the Kingston court to relate her problems in Hartford, CT & a similar situation with Whittaker [an illegitimate child who dies shortly after birth]. Edward is ordered to care for Hannah.
1670-72: Whittaker appears in court several times over altercations with other Kingstonites, including Hannah & her daughter.
cMay 1673: Edward Whittaker marries Hannah Hackleton at Kingston.
24 Apr 1675: Son James is baptized at the Kingston Dutch Church.
23 May 1685: Edward has 200 acres syrveyed on the north side of Esopus Kill.
1 Sep 1689: Edward gives the oath of allegiance when Willam & Mary take the throne in England.
Jan 1694/5: Edward Whittaker dies at his home in the Valley of Esopus Creek.
6 Dec 1696: James marries Lysbet Titsoort at Kingston. [Lysbet dies prior to 1745.]
1699/1700: Mary [James & Lysbet] is born at Kingston.
1 Jun 1728: Mary Whittaker marries Aaron Prall at Kingston.
1745: James purchases 150 acres in Hunterdon Co., NJ.
1751: James sells his Hunterdon Co. land to son-in-law Aaron Prall.
aft Nov 1751: James Whittaker dies in Hunterdon Co., NJ. [A James Whittaker is recorded back in Kingston as late as 1763.]

Monday, June 23, 2014

Timelines: The Decade of the 1650s

This decade is a short one - two surnames. Of course one of those is 11 generations! The timeline exercise continues to be an interesting one. I have uncovered "new" information on several families that will be added to the RootsMagic software program. I'm postponing the inclusion of a few timelines until I can investigate the families further. I'll add those at the end with my families that don't "stretch back across the pond." Also, check earlier posts every now & then. I'm finding that I've miscalculated the arrival date of a few families. When that has happened, I have gone back & inserted them in the proper time slot.

Nov 1651: Malcolm/Micam MacCallam is among those Scots captured at the Battle of Dubar by Cromwell the previous December to be sold into indentured servitude at the Saugus Iron Works [Lynn] & shipped to Boston aboard the Unity.
c1655: Micam marries Martha _______ at Lynn, Massachusetts.
6 Jan 1757: Micam contributes to the Scot's Charitable Society of Boston.
25 Aug 1659: Daughter Ann is born at Lynn.
26 Feb 1677: Micam takes oath at Lynn.
26 Oct 1680: Ann marries Peter Twiss at Marblehead, MA.
7 Dec 1686: Martha MacKallam is received at the Salem Church from Lynn.
(I have yet to locate the death dates for Malcolm & Martha. They may have moved to Salem after 1677. It appears, at least, that Martha was there as late as 1686.)

1650: Jan Arentsen van Heerde & family arrives with Cornelis Melyn's party to settle Staten Island, New Netherland.
Sep 1655: Jan's family is among the 67 survivors of the Staten Island Massacre during the Peach War. The family takes refuge at Manhattan.
14 Nov 1657: Jan & the wife of Caaptain Adrian Post report the massacre to officials at Zutphen in the Netherlands.
19 Jun 1658: Jan returns to New Amsterdam.
1658: A "Jan Aertsz" is listed in Fort Orange [Albany].
1663-70: Wheelwright Arent Jansen [Jan Arentsen & Baetje Jans] is recorded in the Esopus [Kingston] records.
3 Jun 1670: Marriage Banns announced for Arent Jansen & Marie Billiou at Kingston Dutch Church.
8 May 1672: Son Pieter is baptized at Kingston.
c1674: Arent first appears as Praal/Prall in Kingston records.
c1675: Pralls relocate to Staten Island; Arent is granted land at Long Neck.
4 Apr 1685: Arent has property at Carle's Neck surveyed.
c1690: Marie Billiou Prall dies at Staten Island.
1690-93: Arent marries widow Tryntje Barents Blom Christopher. [She dies before 1721]
1693-95: Pieter marries Maria Christopher at Staten Island.
10 Jan 1694/5: A patent is issued to Arent for his 160 acre Long Neck property, plus an addition 124 acres of land.
12 Dec 1697: Pieter is deeded 40 acres by his father.
7 Sep 1698: Aaron [Pieter & Maria] is baptized at Port Richmond, Staten Island.
1711/2: Maria Christopher Prall dies at Staten Island.
cApr 1713: Pieter marries Aeltje Gerrits at Staten Island. [She dies before 1742]
1716: Pieter purchases 750-1000 acre tract in Hunterdon Co., West Jersey.
bef. 1721: Arent marries Madlenor _______, who is named as his wife in his will of that year.
c1721: Aaron marries _______ _______ at Staten Island.
c1722: Aaron moves to Hunterdon Co., West Jersey, 250-350 acres of the family tract on the Neshanic River.
Oct 1725: Arent Jansen Prall dies on Staten Island.
1 Jun 1728: Aaron Prall marries Mary Whittaker in Kingston, NY.
c1732: Cornelius [Aaron & Mary] is born in East Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
bef. 1742: Pieter marries Elizabeth ________, who is named in his will.
27 Oct 1748: Pieter dies at Staten Island.
c1757: Cornelius marries Rebecca Garrison in Hunterdon Co., NJ.
Oct 1757: Aaron Prall dies in Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
Nov 1761: Mary Whittaker Prall dies in Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
19 Jun 1768: Cornelius Prall Jr. [Cornelius & Rebecca] is born in East Amwell, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
18 Apr 1772: Cornelius purchases 19 3/4 acres along Back Brook adjoining the family homestead & erects a gristmill.
c1780: Rebecca Garrison Prall dies at Back Brook homestead in Hunterdon Co., NJ.
c1782: Cornelius marries Sarah Sutphin in Hunterdon Co.
10 June 1784: Cornelius sells the Back Brook property & moves to Tewksbury Twp.
2 Jan 1791: Cornelius Jr. marries Elizabeth Rittenhouse in Kingwood Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
1791: Cornelius moves to Kingswood Twp.
10 Apr 1693: Cornelius deeds the Kingwood property to Cornelius Jr.
1797: Cornelius sells Kingwood property & returns to Amwell Twp.
22 Jun 1799: Cornelius Jr. buys acreage in Bernards Twp., Somerset Co., NJ.
1800: Sarah Sutphin Prall dies in Somerset Co.
15 Jan 1800: Isaac Rittenhouse Prall [C-Jr. & Elizabeth] is born in Bernards Twp.
6 Mar 1803: Cornelius marries widow Christiana Lucretia Catterlin in Cranbury, NJ.
1803-09: Cornelius & Christiana live on Catterlin farm in Middlesex Co., NJ.
1806: Cornelius moves family to Warren Twp., Somerset Co.
1808: Cornelius moves family to Bridgewater Twp., Somerset Co., then East Windsor Twp., Middlesex Co.
1809: Pralls return to Amwell Twp.
1811: Cornelius Jr. moves to Pilesgrove Twp., Salem Co., NJ.
1813: Cornelius Jr. moves to Chester Twp., Delaware Co., PA
Mar 1813: Cornelius Prall dies in Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
1819: The estate of Cornelius Prall is settled.
1820: Cornelius Jr. moves to Chester Co., PA, then to Cecil Co., MD.
c1822: Cornelius Jr. moves the family to Harford Co., MD.
21 Sep or Dec 1826: Elizabeth Rittenhouse Prall dies in Harford Co.
11 Feb 1827: Cornelius Jr. marries widow Bathia Cunningham Porter in Harford Co.
7 Feb 1828: Isaac R. marries Ann Bathia Rhodes, Bathia Prter's niece, in Harford Co.
c1830: Pralls move to Hopwell [Cornelius Jr.] & Lower Chanceford [Isaac R.] Twps., York Co., PA
8 Jul 1834: Cornelius Jr. dies in a railroad accident in Delaware Co., PA.
26 Mar 1844: Isaac acquires land in Fawn Twp., York Co., PA
23 Nov 1852: Hugh McDonald Prall [Isaac & Ann] is born in York Co., PA
30 Mar 1860: Isaac is forced to sell 96 acres to satisfy creditors.
Jan/Feb 1865: Ann Bathia Rhodes Prall dies in York Co., PA.
15 Feb 1865: Isaac sells 50 acres to John Howgate.
1870: Isaac is living with daughter Ann Kohler & family in Clinton Co., Ohio.
1870: Hugh M. is residing with brother Charles' family in Highland Co., OH.
c1874: Hugh M. is in Auglaize Co., OH.
8 Aug 1874: Hugh M. marries Margaret Jane Wolary at Wapakoneta, Auglaize Co., OH.
c1877: Hugh, Margaret & daughter Cora move to Grant Co., Indiana.
30 Dec 1878: William Marshall Prall [Hugh & Margaret] is born in Grant Co., IN.
c1880: Isaac R. Prall dies in Ohio or Pennsylvania.
1880: Hugh begins farming in Sims Twp., Grant Co., IN.
1895-1904: Pralls reside at Marion, Grant Co., IN.
1897-1901: William M. Prall is employed by B. F. Fowler Candy Co. [Building burned in 1901.]
1901-1906: Wm "Marshall" Prall works for candy company in Cincinnati, OH.
1904-07: Pralls reside at Herbst, Grant Co., IN
27 Mar 1906: Marshall Prall marries Marie Laeschele at Cincinnati, OH. [A son was born in 1904.]
6 May 1907: Hugh M. Prall dies at Herbst.
1907: Marshall Prall moves to Indianapolis, IN & begins work at J. F. Darmody Confectionary.
27 Jan 1910: Margaret J. Wolary Prall dies at daughter's home in Marion.
3 Jun 1910: Marshall files for divorce at Indianapolis; finalized 3 October.
23 Dec 1911: Wm. M. Prall marries Mayme Faucett at Indianapolis.1939
19 Jan 1918: Hugh Charles Prall [W.M. & Mayme] is born at Indianapolis.
1936: Hugh graduates from Arsenal Tech H.S.
23 Dec 1939: Wm. M. Prall dies at St. Vincent's Hospital, Indianapolis.
23 Aug 1940: Hugh C. Prall marries Rthjane McHugh at Indianapolis.
1940-77: Hugh begins work as a tool & die maker with his father-in-law & running his own shop, Van All Tool & Die, for about 30 years.
1941-1963: Pralls reside at 44 N. Elizabeth St. in Indy.
7 Apr 1951: Terry [Hugh & Ruth] is born in Jennings Co. [long story!]
1957-63: Terry attends P.S. #77 in Indy.
14 May 1960: Mayme Faucett Prall dies at Indianapolis.
1963-66: Terry attends Woodview Jr. High in Warren Twp.
1963-1977: Pralls reside at 1414 Roseway Dr. in Warren Twp.
1966-69: Terry attends & graduates from Warren Central H.S.
1969-71: Terry attends Hanover College [IN].
1972-73: Terry attends & graduates from Tarkio College [MO] with B.A. in Elementary Ed.
1973-79: Terry teaches at Nocatee Elementary School, Nocatee, FL [grades 3 & 5]
1974-93: Terry coaches youth baseball.
1975-77 Summers: Terry attends Butler University, Indy.
1977: Hugh & Ruth retire to Bonita Springs, Florida.
1979-97: Terry teaches at Desoto Middle School, Arcadia, FL. [grades 6-8, social studies, math, English, reading, science]
1980-95: Terry is active with Desoto Little Theatre.
1981 Summer: Terry attends Butler.
1982 Summer: Terry completes graduate work
Dec 1982: Terry receives M.S. in Education from Butler.
1997-2003: Terry teaches at West Elementary, Arcadia, FL [grades 4, 5, Social Studie K-5]
20 Jul 2000: Ruthjane McHugh Prall dies in Lee Co., FL.
2003: Terry retires from teaching.
11 May 2007: Hugh C. Prall dies at North Collier Hospital in Naples, FL.
Jan 2008: Terry moves to Avon, Hendricks Co., IN
Oct 2008- present: Terry gets involved with Hendricks Civic Theatre [primary] & MarryMac Players [Martinsville].
May-Oct2009: Terry helps gut & remodel Hendricks Civic Theatre.