Friday, July 18, 2014

The Final Timeline: Dally

 My preliminary research on the Dally family included Catherine Dally, wife of John Simmons, & her father. Follow-up research takes the family back another hundred years. The Dallys were Huguenots, originally D' Ailly from northern France. Jean D'Ailly married Marguerite Madou.

c1644: Jean Dally settles in New Amsterdam.
Apr 1644 -Dec 1645: Jean Dally acquires the ship St. Peter & does business with the West Indies Co.
1646-1648: Dally captains ships along the Atlantic Coast as far south as Northampton Co., VA.
c1650: John Dally is born in either New Amsterdam or Northampton Co., VA.
11 Aug 1668: John marries Elizabeth Obie in New York City.
1676-77: Jean goes into farming on Staten Island.
16 Oct 1680: Nicholas Dally [John & Elizabeth] is christened in the NY Dutch Church.
1689-91: Dally serves on the NY Assembly for Staten Island.
15 May 1691: Jean Dally dies on Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY.
c1700: Elizabeth Obie Dally dies in New York City.
2 Mar 1700: John marries Gertrude Roomen at New York City.
c1705: Nicholas marries Elizabeth Creigier in New York City.
1708: John Dally dies in New York, Kings Co., NY.
11 Mar 1716: Henry Dally [Nich. & Eliz.] is born in NY City.
c9 Nov 1739: Henry marries Sarah Gifford in Perth Amboy, NJ.
c1741: Catherine Dally [Henry & Sarah] is born in Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., NJ.
4 Sep 1756: Catherine Dally marries Dr. William Salter in NY City. [Salter dies by 1758.]
Nov 1756: Henry Dally dies in NY or NJ.
28 Dec 1758: Catherine marries John Simmons in NY City.

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