Monday, July 14, 2014

Timeline update/correction: Howland, Joyce, Lowe

Back on 25 June, I noted that I had erred in my match-ups of John Lows. Walter Joyce married Elizabeth Low daughter of John Low & Elizabeth Howland. I had recorded the parents as John Low & Elizabeth Stoddard/Stodder. The Howland timeline was posted on 17 June.

Below is the corrected Low - Howland - Joyce Timeline under Low. John was reportedly born in England between 1629 & 1640, but may have had Indian blood & was born in the Massachusetts - Rhode Island area. I have Elizabeth Howland born "before 1647;" she may have been born as early as 1634. 

c1659/60: John Low marries Elizabeth Howland [Arthur Sr. & Margaret] at Marshfield, Plymouth Colony.
c1660: Elizabeth Low [John & Elizabeth] is born at Marshfield, Plymouth Colony.
9 Jun 1664: John Low witnesses a deed from Chicatabutt to Pompanohoo and other Indians living on the Catuhtkut river. [Richard Bourne, the 1st witness on the deed, was a teacher of Indians at Sandwich. John may have been one of his pupils who took an English name.]
2 Mar 1668/9: John Low is fined 5 shillings for drunkenness.
1 Mar 1669/70: John Low is fined 10 shillings for drunkenness.
5 Mar 1670/1: John Low is fined 40 shillings for profaning the Sabbath.
3 Jun 1673: Joseph Rose is suspected of "too much familiarity" with the wife of John Lowe & ordered to refrain from her company.
c1675: Elizabeth Low marries Walter Joyce at Marshfield.
26 Mar 1676: John Low, serving in Captain Price's Company, is among the 63 soldiers & 20 Wampanoags massacred by the Narragansetts at what is now Central Falls, Rhode Island near Cumberland.
5 Jun 1678: Elizabeth Low is sentenced to be whipped for having a child out of wedlock [Daniel]; she accuses Phillip Leonard of being the father.
12 Oct 1683: Elizabeth Howland Low dies at Marshfield.

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