Thursday, September 18, 2014

Welsh Pedigrees

I've spent the last week or so trying to sort out the ancestry of my Welsh ancestor Evan Thomas [born: c1606-09 in Wales & died: 1661 in Boston]. That is part of the reason I haven't been posting.         
This little project is mind-boggling!

Each source gives a slightly different lineage for the Thomas family dating back to the 6th century or so. Two of the sources are family genealogies. Sources for the antiquated lineage are not given. My third source is the Community Trees Project  at, specifically the Wales Medieval Database Primarily of Nobility & Gentry. The lineage offered here offers the biggest discrepancy, about seven generations worth. My newest source is the Ancient Wales Studies web site. I'm still wading through the report on "Einon ap Llywarch of Carmarthenshire." This is a more recent examination of older Welsh genealogies.

So far my conclusion is ..... be happy tracing the family back three or four generations, don't get too ambitious! However, I'm giving it my best shot!!

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