Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Brushes with Famous People Down Through History

One of my genealogy presentations is entitled Brushes with the Famous and Infamous. It deals with the historic figures that some of my ancestors [direct and collateral] came in contact with over the years. Some were ancestors. Here's a list of nine and how they tie in.

(1) John Winthrop Jr.: Physician and Connecticut governor. If it weren't for him, you probably wouldn't be reading this post. He commuted Hannah Wakeman Hackleton's death sentence back in 1665/6!

(2) Roger Williams: Founder of Prvidence Plantation [Rhode Island] and a direct ancestor.

(3) Wilhelm Rittenhouse: Mennonite minister and papermaker in colonial Pennsylvania; direct ancestor.

(4) Rebecca Towne Nurse: Hanged as a witch at Salem Village in 1692; direct ancestor.

(5) George Washington: Surveyor, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army andFirst President of the US; he stopped at the home or inn of Casper Rinker near Gainsboro, VA on a surveying trip.

(6) Nathanael Greene: Revolutionary War General; a distant cousin.

(7) Henry Jerrell: He was a member of the Reno Gang. The Renos were credited as the first train robbers in post-civil war Indiana. Henry was a 4th or 5th cousin.

(8) David Crockett: Tennessee congressman who was killed at the Alamo in 1836. Robert Cunningham, 1st cousin 5x removed, was also an Alamo defender.

(9) Al Capone: Chicago crime boss. One of the federal agents who helped bring down Capone was David Nolan, intelligence officer for the US Treasury [1st cousin 2x removed].

There are several others. If your genealogy society needs a speaker and the topic is of interest, drop me a line. I do single and multiple sessions.

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