Saturday, February 28, 2015

More Family Stories & Legends

CAIN: This family get a mention just because of the unique family monument at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana. Eliza Ann [Jennison] Cain [c1812-1881] was the wife of Captain John Cain, Sr. & the daughter of Rufus Jennison, Sr. & Jerusha Field. John Cain served as agent for the Nez Perce from 1853-58 and was replaced by his son Andrew.

The Cain monument at Crown Hill is a virtual family group record. Several members of the family predeceased Eliza and were buried elsewhere. She had those remains reinterred at Crown Hill in 1874. On one side of the monument is recorded the names of John and Eliza. Her parents and brother Rufus Jr. were named on another side. On a third panel were inscribed the names of children Andrew J. Cain, John Cain, Clara Bierce, Jerusha V., Van Buren, Caroline, Harriet and Jessie B. Cain.

The Day Book for Crown Hill interments gives more detailed information on several of the family members including birth & death dates & places.

One curious item does exist for the family. Eliza's father, Rufus has a death date of 6 August 1862. Family records are consistent as to the date. The fly in the ointment - Rufus' obituary & funeral notice appear in the Indianapolis papers in 1864. Did he die in 1862 or 1864?

The Day Book & the monument are rare finds.

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