I continue to work on my "new" Cunningham and Treadway data. One of the toughest parts is assigning plausible birth years to folks that don't have them recorded.
Case in point: The five Cunningham brothers [or is it six?] Their grandfather, Thomas Treadway, names five Cunningham grandsons - Crispin, Thomas, George, James and Daniel. [No evidence that they are in birth order.] There are several online trees at Ancestry.com that deal with this family. Several add a 6th son, William. Births range from the mid-1740s to the early 1760s. I have located births for two of the brothers, Crispin [1761]and Daniel [1763]. That leaves three open to conjecture, Thomas, George and James. And of course, there's no marriage date for their parents.
I have relied on marriage dates and a scattering of tax records to determine reasonable births for the trio. That's assuming they married between the ages of 18 and 23, fairly common for that time period.
For Thomas, I have yet to locate a marriage, so he's totally guesswork. George married in 1779, so a 1756-1761 range makes sense. He was over 18 in 1778, that puts his birth pre-1760. James married in 1773 and was over 18 in 1778. I give him a birth range of 1750-1755.
I settled on the following: James born c. 1752 [married at 21], Thomas born c. 1755 and George born c. 1757 [married at 22]. These dates are fairly disagreeable with those on the Ancestry.com trees. If parents Clotworthy Cunningham and Mary Ann Treadway were married about 1744 as suggested on the trees, then my estimates are off considerably. Then there's William. If there was a 6th son, his death pre-dated that of his grandfather.
What is needed, besides birth records for all of the boys, is a marriage date for the parents!
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