The Dutch colonized New Netherland in 1626. The colony was taken over by the English in 1664, briefly fell into Dutch hands again in the early 1670s, before permanently becoming New York.
Ancestral families called Staten Island, New York City and towns Hudson River Valley home. They were primarily Dutch, but some came from Denmark, Flanders, Germany and England.
Blom, Garrison [1630s], Cregier, Bording, Lies, Dally, Obee, Titsoort, Swart [1640s], Prall, Christoffels [1650s] Billiou, DuBois, Wakeman, Whittaker [1660s] were all established families throughout the 17th century.
John Simmons arrived from England in the mid-1750s.
Other families arrived throughout the 1700s from other colonies/states. St. Johns and Lockwoods [1740s]. Mahurin [1780s].
The Jennisons of Massachusetts settled in what would become Onandago Co. by 1812. The Simmons family had settled there in 1794, but left by 1814, bound for Pennsylvania.
The Mahurins and St. Johns left for the Ohio Territory in the mid-1790s. Many of the earliest families had intermarried with one another and by the 1720s called New Jersey home.
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