Saturday, March 10, 2018

#12: Georgia

Georgia was founded in 1732. Enoch Gulley left Virginia for Georgia in 1802. He settled in Elbert Co., which bordered Pendleton Co., SC, where his brother Thomas had settled. It was, maybe, an eight year stay. Enoch had relocated to Tennessee by 1811.

There we have it. My ancestors managed to settle in 11 of the 13 original colonies. South Carolina and New Hampshire were the only two missed. At least one family lived in part of Massachusetts that eventually became part of New Hampshire. Thomas Land's brother-in-law, Thomas Sumter, became a noted figure in South Carolina as a partisan leader and general in the Continental Army.

If I had to rank number of families in each colony [or state], I would guess Massachusetts/Plymouth would head the list  New York/New Amsterdam, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Jersey would probably rank in the top five. Pennsylvania and Virginia would rank 6 and 7, followed by Maryland. North Carolina, Delaware and Georgia would bring up the rear.

Next up, eight states/territories where my direct-line ancestors made their homes.

1 comment:

  1. Terry:
    Another distant relation from Peter Twiss/Ann Callum. He is my paternal 7GGF {Peter Twiss, Sr -> Peter Twiss, Jr -> Deborah Twiss (Downs) -> Nehemiah Downs -> Tabitha Downs (Hattaway) -> Rutha Hattaway (Warren) -> John Amos R. Warren -> Linnie Bell Warren (Ward) -> Henry Roscoe Ward -> Roger L. Ward}. Would like to know anything you have found out about Twiss crew that was captured at Battle of Dunbar because I have another ancestor who was captured at Dunbar and indentured to Massachusetts who was later killed in King Phillip's War.

    Roger L. Ward
