Borrows: Catherine Borrows wed John Gifford about 1717 NJ. Her father was Samuel Borrows. Where was he from? What was his background? As for Catherine, her birth and marriage dates need to be set.
Bowater: Five generations of Bowaters need clarifying. Mary needs marriage and death dates. John Bowater's birth date is missing, say 1660-something. His father William needs birth and death secured. GF John lacks BMD and a wife. GGF Bowater needs to be identified.
Brackett: William Brackett was a native of Suffolk, England. His birth and marriage records are missing, as is the maiden name of his wife, Alice. Richard Brackett needs his birth narrowed from 1550-1554, a marriage date and spouse. Peter needs his birth narrowed, a wedding date and a maiden name for wife Rachel. Daughter Rachel Brackett Newcomb needs her birth and death dates firmed up.
Bratton: Joan Bratton married John Affeton in Devonshire, England. That's all I got!
Brayne: Edward and Elizabeth ______ Brayne were parents of Edith Brayne of Somerset, England. That's my lead!
Brewster: Boy, you'd think someone would have all of the Mayflower passengers traced back 5-6 generations! Not the case with the Brewsters. William I needs full attention in the Yorkshire records, maybe. William II needs his vitals firmed up in the Scrooby records. Elder William III [immigrant] needs his birth and marriage set in stone. He also needs the maiden name of his wife determined. Jonathan [also an immigrant, he came over later] is in good shape. Daughter Mary [wife of Ezekiel Turner] needs her death date set.
Bridgum: John of Norfolk, England needs his vitals and wife of daughter Mary identified. Mary needs her England birth and CT marriage and death solidified.
Brown: Sarah Brown of Essex Co., MA needs parents and a history. She married Andrew Greele(y) in 1673.
Burton: William was of England [b. c1457] and daughter Jane was born in Yorkshire c1485, where she married John Grant. Much data needed!
Byrt: Mary Byrt married John Bowater in London in 1685. I forgot to mention in the Bowater entry that they were Quakers. I need vitals, parents, etc. on Mary.
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