Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why I Went Through Those Stumbling Blocks

For those of you who stuck with me on the "Stumbling Blocks" exercise, THANKS! For those who wonder why I did it - here goes.......

Quite a number of families haven't been looked at since I first entered their info into the Family Tree Maker, Master Genealogist or Roots Magic data bases. Some of those date back to 1995-1999. It was time to look at the hundreds of families to see what was incomplete or missing. Even some the more recent addition were entered and then temporarily forgotten [ignored?] as I went on to research a new family.

I thought it was time to address the long abandoned relatives. New information may be available on them, some of what I have may have been disproved and, in some cases, more investigation is needed. A few of the families could be prime candidates for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy Problem Solving track.

It is a good idea to dig into the files every now and then to dust off a family and get reacquainted with them. You want to keep the ancestors happy. One of them might let loose of one of those little tidbits you've been hunting for. You never know!

The Final Stumbling Blocks: Who were these people really?

This is the final stumbling blocks post. If anyone can help with any of the families, drop me a line. I ran this series of posts to show myself where blanks need to be filled - future research. This last group is mostly "either-or," "might be," or family lore. Who's who needs to be determined.

Blom?: This has been addressed before. Was Tryntje Barents Blom Christoffels the 2nd wife of Arent Jansen Prall? [I believe she was.]

Campbell?: Was the maiden name of Hugh Mahurin's wife, Mary, Campbell? A Campbell family lived near the Mahurins. One of the Campbells was Ebenezer. He may have been Mary's father. Ebenezer became a Mahurin family name in the next generation.

Fulford?: Richard Dowrish married a daughter of Thomas Fulford. Was it Joan?

Hales?: Was Jane Hales the wife of George Benedict, Sr.?

Hawkyn/Sorrell?: In her will, Alice [James] Olmstead mentions the names Hawkyn and Sorrell. It is believed that one or the other was her maiden name. Which?

Hills/Williams?: OK, this one borders on weird. The maiden name of Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Harris, may have been Hill or Williams. However, Thomas doesn't help the situation. In some records he was listed as Williams, in others as "Williams alas Harris." So Thomas and not Elizabeth may be the problem. She may have been a Hills and Thomas either Williams and/or Harris. [His father was William Harris. Dabbling in patronymics perhaps?]

Johnston/Ross?: Scotsman Robert Douglas has been assigned two different wives. Presumably, he was married once. Was Nicolace Johnston or Jean Ross the mother of William Douglas, Sr.?

Lewis?: Job St. John married a girl named Sarah about 1749. It is believed her maiden name was Lewis. Confirmation needed!

Nelson?: This one was discussed in the Simmons entry awhile back. DAR records show Mary Nelson as the 1st wife of John Simmons, Jr. Documentation is still needed.

Wryall?: The maiden name of Elder William Brewster's wife, Mary is not know. Wentworth was once a possibility, but eventually abandoned. Wryall was offered by genealogist John G. Hunt, but met with skepticism. Wryall still remains a disputed possibility.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

B2 Blocks

Borrows: Catherine Borrows wed John Gifford about 1717 NJ. Her father was Samuel Borrows. Where was he from? What was his background?  As for Catherine, her birth and marriage dates need to be set.

Bowater: Five generations of Bowaters need clarifying. Mary needs marriage and death dates. John Bowater's birth date is missing, say 1660-something. His father William needs birth and death secured. GF John lacks BMD and a wife. GGF Bowater needs to be identified.

Brackett: William Brackett was a native of  Suffolk, England. His birth and marriage records are missing, as is the maiden name of his wife, Alice. Richard Brackett needs his birth narrowed from 1550-1554, a marriage date and spouse. Peter needs his birth narrowed, a wedding date and a maiden name for wife Rachel. Daughter Rachel Brackett Newcomb needs her birth and death dates firmed up.

Bratton: Joan Bratton married John Affeton in Devonshire, England. That's all I got!

Brayne: Edward and Elizabeth ______ Brayne were parents of Edith Brayne of Somerset, England. That's my lead!

Brewster: Boy, you'd think someone would have all of the Mayflower passengers traced back 5-6 generations! Not the case with the Brewsters. William I needs full attention in the Yorkshire records, maybe. William II needs his vitals firmed up in the Scrooby records. Elder William III [immigrant] needs his birth and marriage set in stone. He also needs the maiden name of his wife determined. Jonathan [also an immigrant, he came over later] is in good shape. Daughter Mary [wife of Ezekiel Turner] needs her death date set.

Bridgum: John of Norfolk, England needs his vitals and wife of daughter Mary identified. Mary needs her England birth and CT marriage and death solidified.

Brown: Sarah Brown of Essex Co., MA needs parents and a history. She married Andrew Greele(y) in 1673.

Burton: William was of England [b. c1457] and daughter Jane was born in Yorkshire c1485, where she married John Grant. Much data needed!

Byrt: Mary Byrt married John Bowater in London in 1685. I forgot to mention in the Bowater entry that they were Quakers. I need vitals, parents, etc. on Mary.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Vitamin B1 Blocks

Bagwell: Eleanor Bagwell married Thomas Harding in 1684. They were Quakers, so digging into the NJ Friends records would be beneficial.

Ballinger: My apologies to my Ballinger ancestors for leaving them out of my 2009 family history. They were Quakers from Gloucestershire, England. Henry Sr. and Josiah Sr. need their birth and death dates firmed up.

Barlowe: Audrey Barlowe married William Almy in Leicestershire in 1626. Her father was Stafford Barlowe - more needed on him; BMD, background, etc.

Barnard: Mary Barnard was the wife of Rhode Island/Providence Plantation founder, Roger Williams. The identity of her mother is needed, as are a few vitals for her father [Sir Richard] and grandfather [John].

Baynton: Joan Baynton married Thomas Prowse about 1516 in Sanford Parish, Devonshire. That's all I got folks!

Belford: Jane [born c1509], daughter of Edward [born c1485], married John Grant about 1529 in Yorkshire. A bit more than I have on the Bayntons, but not much!

Belknap: The Belknap or Beltoft family was from Hertfordshire. Richard, Laurence and Richard [1470s-1600] need their wives identified, either maiden name or full name. As the family moved from Hertfordshire to Essex to Essex Co., MA, there were a few BMDs missing from the seven generations.

Benedict: Mary Benedict married John Olmstead in 1673 in Fairfield, CT. Her father, Thomas was from Norfolk, England. Five generations worth of vitals records need to be  tracked down.

Billiou: The big Billiou mystery is the same as that for the DuBois family. Pierre and Francoise [DuBois] Billiou arrived in New Amsterdam in 1661 with five children, the youngest born as sea [Isaac]. The catch is that they had one other child, Marie. It is believed that Marie came over a couple of years earlier with her Uncle Louis DuBois. The arrival and passenger list for Louis is the key to solving the mystery.

Blake: Agnes Blake was the wife of  Richard Remington, married about 1535 in Yorkshire. That's all I have!

Blessing: The Blessings were of Suffolk and Norfolk, England. John and Joan Preste begat John. He and Margaret _______ begat Joanna "Jone", who married William Towne in 1620. They came to Massachusetts thereafter.

Blom: This is my lone Swedish line, old though it may be. Barent Jansen Blom [1611-1665] left Sweden for New Netherland before 1640. His daughter, Tryntje, married Hans Christoffels. It also believed that after Hans passed, she married widower Arent Jansen Prall, bearing him a son Johannes. More on the Bloms in Sweden and proof of Tryntje's marriage to Arent are needed, as well as a few vitals.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

D Blocks, D Blocks!

Dally: Henry Dally was a mariner. Not much else is known. His parents were Nicholas and Elizabeth [Creiger] Dally. Noting on them. Henry's daughter, Catherine, was the wife of "Wall Street John" Simmons, married 1758 in NYC.

Dodge: The Dodges were from Somerset, England [John] and Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts [Richard, Edward, Hannah]. There are several birth marriage and death dates missing.

Douglas: My Douglas clan almost vanished after a couple of errors were corrected. Fortunately, the family just shifted from brother to sister. The proposed lineage for the family is Robert of Scotland, William Sr. of Kircud Bright, Scotland, England, Massachusetts and New London, CT and lastly daughter, Sarah. A few vitals are missing, as well as confirmation of the Scottish origins of the family.

Dawrish: Devonshire was the family's ancestral home. Thomas I & II, Richard, Thomas III & IV and Grace all need their BMDs firmed up. Getting the biographical data for all but Thomas II is a priority.

DuBois: The chief piece of information missing on the family of Louis DuBois is the arrival in New Netherland. The date, name of the ship and passenger list are crucial in solving a DuBois/Billiou/Prall mystery: Did Louis' niece, Marie Billiou travel with them to settle in the Esopus Valley?

Dungan: Finding the birthplace of William Dungan is the key piece to the family puzzle. Was he English or Irish.

Three more to go! Two B-posts and a hodge-podge of "either-or."

Saturday, April 26, 2014

ACme Blocks

Acie: The family of Abigail Acie Remington needs a lot of work back in 17th century Yorkshire on the usual BMD and biographical background.

Adam: Peter Adam died in 1572 in Strotford, England per his will. More needed on him and his family.

Affeton: 15th century Devonshire records need to be searched for this family.

Allen: Mary Allen was Abigail Acie Remington's daughter-in-law. Since Allen is a common name, tracking Mary's family beyond father William may be tricky.

Almy: The English ancestry of the Almy family is the biggest missing link. The given names of two wives [Clarke and Reignolds] are needed.

Arnold: The Arnolds were reportedly from Llanthony, Monmouthshire, Wales. The first of the line, Roger, is said to have married Joan, a daughter of Sir Thomas Gamage, although this needs verification. The first generations with solid details were those in Somerset, England. Quite a few BMD records need to be finalized. The maiden name of Richard [1520-1595] Arnold's wife, Jacqita, is lacking. His grandson, William Arnold was the immigrant. He had a son named Benedict. That name was passed down for a few generations.

Cheesman: In researching my Simmons line in the parish registers of Hampshire, England, I was able to find a few new families. Expansion of the records is needed beyond the marriages that I uncovered. Edward and Elizabeth Pearson, Edward and Catherine Penford and Catherine and John Simmons are the three generations on record.

Christopher/Christoffels: Hans was probably Dutch, but I have seen suggestions that he came from Normandy. His BMD dates are needed as is the marriage date of his daughter Maria to Pieter Prall [c1693]. I believe Hans' widow, Tryntje, was Arent Jansen Prall's 2nd wife and mother of Arent's son Johannes.

Collier: Mary Collier was the 2nd wife of Thomas Prence and the probable mother of Elizabeth Prence Howland. Confirmation that Thomas was referring to Mary in a letter about his wife's death is needed. [see post on Prence]

Collins: Elizabeth Collins married Samuel Gorton. Information on her parents Elizur and Sarah Wright is needed.

Cooper: Joanna Cooper married Zacheus Curtis.about 1645 [month/day?] Who were her people?

Cowper: Alice married Edmund Lockwood in Suffolk, England. Details on her family [William Cwper and Alice Ludbrook] is needed.

Curtis: Two lines need to be investigated. (1) Zacheus, John, Samuel, Mary of Essex, MA and Wiltshire, England. (2) Margaret, who married James Knellar in Hampshire, England.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stumbling over Es & Fs

Ebbs: On Catherine O'Neill Crail's death certificate, Mary Ebbs is listed as her mother. That's all I got!

Egolf: Andreas Egolf begat Anna in Bassendorf, Zurich, Switzerland in 1661. More needed on Andreas and ancestors.

Farringdon: This is one of my early English [Devonshire] families covering the mid-1400s to the late 1500s. Robert, John, Charles and Anna are all missing some combination of birth, marriage or death dates. Same ol' same ol'.

Fitzroger: The Fitzrogers face the usual scattering of incomplete BMDs. Historical background is also needed.

Fox: Margaret Fox married Richard Tattersall about 1596 in Wiltshire, England. A whole boatload of data is needed on Margaret's family.

Franklin: Frances Ann Franklin of Wales married Enoch Gulley. There a several stories swirling around her. See my Gulley post for some of the mysteries.

French: French is English. Suffolk and Essex. The usual abouts, circas and befores need to be replaced by months and days across three generations. [Jacob, Thomas, Alice]

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

'G'reat Stumbling Blocks

Gamage: Sir Thomas and daughter Joan were likely from Wales. Everything is needed!
Gassman: Verena Gassman married Andreas Rinker. See above! /

Gaymer: Richard and Margaret [Mason] Gaymer were the parents of  Lydia who was born in Essex and came to America where she married John "The Elder" Turner on 10 November 1645 in Plymouth. A lot needed.

Geater: Martha Geater/Goater married Thomas Penford in St. Thomas, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England on 26 December 1667. Any additional information would definitely be a plus.

Gifford: Sarah Gifford was the daughter of John Gifford. I have bits and pieces on them that need to be verified; including John's parents.

Godespayne: Early Wakeman records show that William married a Godespayne about 1465 in Drayton, England. Talk about missing details!

Goode: Anne Goode Wakeman's father was Henry. His vitals and spouse are needed for starters. [Worcestershire, England]

Gorton: Three very early generations of Thomases need vitals. Samuel, John and Samuel [we have now left Lancashire and London for Rhode Island in the mid-1600s] also need a few BMDs filled in. The last in my line Anna, needs a death date.

Grant: I have four generations of Grants with little or no data about them. The family was from Cottingham and/or Hessle, Yorkshire, England. Generation 5 - Thamas - settled in Rowley, MA. Daughter Hannah married into the Hazen line.

Greeley: Andrew Greeley Sr. needs to be fleshed out a bit. For example, where in England did the family originate? Andrew Jr.'s story is pretty solid. Likewise for daughter Mary.

Greene: The Rhode Island family was from Dorset and Wiltshire. The earliest generations need to be fleshed out considerably. Once the family makes it to the colonies, records are relative complete. [General Nathaniel Greene is a distant cousin.]

Gye: My 3 generation Gye family needs a few vitals and biographical info to flesh them out.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

H Stumbling Blocks

Haburne: Once again, the 1500s are the focus for John William, John and Ralph Haburne of Cottingham, Yorkshire, England. The usual BMDs are needed, although I have marriage and death dates for Ralph. Ralph's daughter, Jane Haburne Grant lacks a birth date.

Hagershoff: Maria was the wife of Claus Rittenhouse. Estimates for her birth and marriage exist, but that's about it.

Haiton: Margaret, wife of William Acie, needs a birth date, parents and background.

Harding: The Hardings were English Quakers who settled in West Jersey in 1677. Thomas needs a clear birth date and exact death date, as does daughter Mary [wife of Henry Ballinger].

Harris: This family was from Gloucestershire. William and Thomas lack complete BMD dates. Ann Harris Maverick is lacking set marriage and death dates. [1500-1600s]

Haselwood: Joan Haselwood Wakeman needs the whole package in Worcestershire!
Haskell: Save for an occasional BMD, the Haskells are in pretty good shape.

Hazen: The first four generations of this clan needs a BMD filled in here and there. The big question is when, exactly, did Mary Hazen marry Seth Mahurin/Hurin? [est. 1753 in NJ.]

Hickey: Sarah Hickey married John McHugh in Pennsylvania about 1836. I believe her family was Irish. Details are needed on her ancestry.

Holden: The Holdens were from Wiltshire, England. More is needed on the family there. As for the Holdens after their move to Rhode Island, a birth, marriage or death date here and there is lacking.
Hooker: The Hooker family is full of holes where vital records are concerned. 2nd generation, John was known by the alias Vowell. Mysteries!

Howell: Staffordshire was the family's home. BMD dates were few in number in England and New Jersey. [Thomas1, Daniel2, Catherine3]

Howland: Arthur Howland was a Quaker from Huntingdonshire, his brother John arrived on the Mayflower. They were sons of Henry Howland. Some vitals are missing for Henry and Arthur. In both cases, Margaret was the given name of the spouse and the surname is missing.
Howlett: The usual missing vitals plague the Suffolk, England family. William, Thomas, Thomas Jr. and Mary are the culprits.

Howser: Elizabeth Howser is believed to be the wife of Dr. Peter Trisler. Much more is needed!

Hutton: A nice bio exists for Matthew Hutton of Lancashire and Yorkshire [1529-1603]. Ancestral info is needed!

Monday, April 21, 2014

JecKyL Stumbling Blocks

Okay, that was a reach!!

Jecles: Maude or Magdalen was born in Cottingham, Yorkshire, England about 1571. That need a month and day. Parents would be a nice addition. She married Ralph Haburne.

Jennison: Starting closest to the present: Uncovering a c1803 marriage record for Dolly Jennison and John W. Simmons in Chenango Co., NY [or a neighboring county] is at the top of the list. I'm also missing a marriage record for Dolly's great-grandparents, Robert Jennison and Dorothy Thomas [c1719, Boston, MA]. Robert's grandparents, Robert and Grace need some fleshing out. Birth [in England] and marriage [in Mass.] dates and a maiden name for Grace. Any info on Robert's father, Robert would be good [BMD, wife's name, etc.]

Jeronimus: Martigen was the wife of  Ewout de Lindt. She was from Brugge, West Flanders [now Belgium]. Birth, death, parents are on the "need list.]

Joyce: Walter Joyce supposedly left County Galway, Ireland for the Plymouth Colony before 1675, when he married Elizabeth Low. A nice fact-filled bio on Walter would be a wonderful addition.

Keeney: William Keeney of Norfolk, England and New London, CT is short on vitals and a maiden name for wife, Agnes/Annis. Son, John needs a birth date and day of marriage. This covers most of the 1600s.

Kneller: James Kneller and daughter Mary need their vitals checked in Hampshire, England!

Latham: The Lathams are sort of fill-in-the-blank. From the death of Frances Latham Dungan in 1677 RI back to the 1200s, there are a ton of details missing!

Laubscher: Catherine Laubscher, wife of John Wagner, was born in Baden about 1809. Birth and marriage dates and a date of death are needed. The Wagners settled in Pennsylvania, Missouri and Wisconsin. Her Baden parish would be a fabulous find! [German Catholics]

Leibacher: Uli and daughter Elisabeth were from Switzerland. Anything would be helpful.

Lockwood: Tracking the Lockwood family was an interesting journey. The Lockwood Genealogy proposed Robert as the main progenitor of the American line. It was actually brother Edmund. I lost 4-5 families in the transition, but gained a bunch as well. Needs: Edmund - death record; Edmund - birth and marriage, maiden name for wife Ruth; Edmund - birth date; Joseph - birth and marriage dates; James - death date; Anna - marriage date to John St. John.

Looke: For Thomas: vitals!

Low: John Low and his daughter Elizabeth, fleshing out the BMD dates.

Ludbrook: Alice, wife of William Cowper - anything!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Six-pack of Ms

Miller: Catherine Miller Clark's parents were Henry Miller and Ellen Hostetler. On them I have nothing!

Merwin: The Merwins were from Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England. For John, BMD details are needed [1490-1552]; for Thomas, BMD and the name of his wife. Mary came to Connecticut with husband Robert Tinker and lacks a specific birth and death date [1606-1670].

MacCallum: Makim or Malcolm MacCallum/Callum, a fine Scotsman, was taken  prisoner by Oliver Cromwell at the Battle of Dunbar and shipped to the Lynn/Saugus Iron Works in Massachusetts in 1651. He fathered six children, creatively [spelling-wise] listed in the Lynn birth and baptismal records. Malcolm's home in Scotland is needed, as is his birth date. In Lynn, his marriage and death dates are needed, as is the maiden name of wife, Martha, plus her birth and death dates. [This is another candidate for SLIG 2015!

Maverick: Devonshire, England records need to be explored for the vitals on Robert, Peter and Rev. John Maverick and their spouses before the reverend's family arrived in 1630 and settled at Dorchester. Elias settled in Charlestown and daughter Rebecca resided in Boston with husband George Thomas. Samuel Maverick, of Texas fame was descended from this family.

Mattle: Mattle/Motley research is needed in Northamptonshire, England prior to the mid-1640s when Ann Mattle, as Mrs, William Douglas, arrived in Boston. Her father was Thomas, mother unknown.

Maplet: The Maplets were of Essex and London. Three generations of BMD records are in order. Rev.John-John-Mary [who married Samuel Gorton in January 1629/30, before going to America (Rhode Island.)]

Saturday, April 19, 2014

NOPe, not done yet!

Pugh & Evans: I've put these two Welsh Quaker families together since they share a common ancestry 2-3 generations prior to arrival in Pennsylvania during the late 1600s. Robert Pugh married Sarah Evans and they shared Evan Robert Lewis as a common ancestor. The line goes back to both Welsh and English nobility [King John]. (I still root for Robin Hood!) Filling in a few BMD dates would be nice. When you have a Welsh patronymic line stretching back to the 700s, you can't get too greedy!

Prence: I would like to dig into the ancestry of Plymouth Governor Thomas Prence to see what, beyond religious and political conviction, motivated his passionate hatred of Quakers. He had his daughter Elizabeth and her Quaker husband Arthur Howland jailed for not paying the church tithe. Your own daughter?! Also, there is considerable debate over who Elizabeth's mother was: 2nd wife Mary Collier or 3rd wife Apphia Quick. Collier's death date range is considerable [1644-1662], but a letter from Prence to John Winthrop suggests his then wife died in 1647. If this is the case Mary may have died in childbirth with Elizabeth. The truth would be beneficial.

Peabody: The  usual applies to Englishman John Peabody [birth?], Francis [birth, marriage dates] and Lydia [birth] all of Plymouth, Norfolk and Essex counties of Colonial Mass.

Olmstead: There are a few quirks in the Olmstead lineage that need to be worked out. For example, I have Richard, b, 1608 in Essex, England and his parents married there about 1610 - not good! It may just be a case of readdressing family research that hasn't been touched in about 20 years and relying on a century plus old family history! I did visit Hartford for reliable records on the Olmsteads back around 2000. You know you are in for it when you locate the probate file of John Olmstead and it gives the ages of all of his minor and unmarried children. His daughter Rebecca, my ancestor, was married and had reached the age of majority! Argh!

Oldham: Lucretia Oldham was the wife of Jonathan [son of William of The Mayflower] Brewster. Most of the family info comes from her brother John's various bios. More research needs to be done on the family in Chessire [Derby] and Plymouth Colony.

Nurse: My Nurse/Nourse family data begins with Francis of Yarmouth, Bristol, England who had the misfortune of choosing to reside in Salem Village in 1692 and being on the wrong side of the local power struggle. His wife Rebecca was hanged as a witch, despite a petition pleading for her freedom being circulated and even signed by some of her accusers. The usual scattering of detailed vitals is needed. Mostly, Salem Village [now Danvers] is on my "places to visit" list!!

Norton: Scant information is available on Hugh Norton. BMD, name of wife and biographical information are all lacking. I have daughter Mary's marriage date to James Lockwood, but only estimates for her birth and death. The Nortons lived in Connecticut and were probably English.

Nolan: David Nolan was my maternal grandmother's 1st cousin. He left Indiana for Missouri, where he became a policeman. He resided in St. Charles, St. Louis and Kansas City. In 1919, David became an IRS agent and eventually an Special Intelligence Agent for the Treasury Department. His 1937 obit appeared in numerous newspapers across the country noting that he had collected evidence that led to the conviction of Al Capone! His personnel file does not mention the Capone case. r.No internet site on the Capone story mention him as an investigator. All I want to know is WHAT EVIDENCE!

Newcomb: Judith Newcomb married Samuel Jennison [1666, Watertown, MA]. Her parents were Francis and Rachel [Brackett] Newcomb. I have a little on the couple's arrival in Massachusetts, but mor would be better!!

Nelson: Was Mary Nelson the 2nd wife of John Simmons Jr. and the mother of John William Simmons? Proof, I need proof!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Stumbling Blocks 'R' Us!

Reel & Reeder: Elizabeth Reel married William Smith, father of Ama Jemima Smith Crousore. Elizabeth's parents, Nicholas Reel and Amy Reeder are short on vital statistics. Estimates are available for the birth and death of Nicholas, but no marriage date. Amy is sans any vitals whatsoever! The Reels, Reeders, Smiths and Crousores traveled from Ohio to Indiana as a group. 

Rogers & Roberts: This is part of my Welsh Quaker line. Roger [ap Robert] Roberts was the immigrant and his kids broke the patronymic legacy by adopting the Rogers [ap Roger] surname. Getting Roger ap Robert's lineage back a few generations would be nice, but patronymically problematic. His father would be Robert ap _______. Outside of getting the BMD dates fleshed out for the Rogers clan, this family is in pretty good shape. The family as I have them so far in patronymics would be Elizabeth verch John ap Evan ap John ap Roger ap Robert.
Rinker: The Rinkers got John Rogers booted from the Friends. He married widow Mary Magdeline Rinker Allemong, a nice Swiss Lutheran girl. I received my Rinker info dating back to Zurich Canton, Switzerland in the early 1300s from another researcher in two different reports. The 2nd made additions and corrections to the 1st. Other than confirming about 500 years of Swiss research, not much is needed. :)-

Riddlesdale: The Riddlesdales [Jasper-Henry-John-Susan] are missing the usual BMDs. This is a family from the late 1400s into the mid-1600s. Acquiring the missing details could be either a breeze or a nightmare depending on the Boxford parish records in Suffolk, England.

Remington: The Remingtons cover 1450-1750. I have some BMD gaps, as usual. Fleshing out the family stories would be a big plus.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Swart: The Swarts are another of my colonial Dutch families. In addition to homeland records for Cornelis and Teunis [son] prior to their mid-1600s arrival in New Netherland/NY, Albany Co, [Schenectady] records are on the wish list for the clan. Likewise for Teunis' daughter Neeltije, who married Willem Titsoort.

Strutt: Robert and Christopher Strutt were natives of Rattlesden, Suffolk, England. At least that's the theory, Christopher's ancestry is a bit shaky. His daughter, Elizabeth married Thomas Scott there and then the Scotts settled in Ipswich, Essex, MA. More work needs to be done on Christopher's parentage.
Standiford: Pathiah Standiford married James Cunningham in 1773 in Baltimore. Pathiah's parentage is pure guess work. Supposedly, Israel Standiford and Cassandra Anderson were her folks. I have no confirmation to support this. A whole lot of data is needed. Pathiah/Bathiah and Cassandra were names of Cunningham daughters.

Singletary: All in all, the story of the Singltary family is fairly well documented. A few dates are needed here and there. Then there are two different versions of Englishman Richard Singletary's origins. Guess I need to figure out which one [if either] is accurate! :)-

Scott: The Scotts of Suffolk, England are nicely documented. A marriage or birth date here and there are needed to fill out the pedigree.

Schultz: Were Jacob Schultz and Margaret Huber of Swiss or German heritage? BMD details are needed for both. Their daughter Maria was born in either Europe or Germantown, PA. Her brother, Mathias was born near Philadelphia. Another possible brother, John was a Revolutionary War veteran along with Mathias.

St. John/Sention/Santken: Well, this was my Salt Lake Institute family project. Check out January posts for this one!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stumbling T's

Twiss: Another of my New England families. Death dates for Peter Twiss Sr. & Jr. need to be unearthed. More biographical info on both men would be a nice addition. There is little available, so far. Peter Jr.'s daughter, Martha married Amos Singletary and their marriage date is missing as well.

Turner: Birth and death dates for Humphrey and John "the Elder" Turner are "about" and "between," exact is better. Generation 3 - Ezekiel has complete BMD dates, but daughter Elizabeth joined her ancestors with "between" dates at her demise. This was one of my favorite families to locate. John "the Elder" married Mary Brewster and gave me my Mayflower connection.

Towne: John Towne lacks a detailed birth date. Son William is short birth and death specifics. William's daughter, Rebecca's dates are well documented. She married Francis Nurse and had the misfortune of being on the wrong side of Salem Village politics in 1692 and was hanged for being a witch.

Titsoort: Dutch birth, marriage and death records are in short supply for this family during the 1600s. They pick up a bit once the family was established in the Hudson Valley of New Netherland/New York. Still numerous vital records are lacking for Abraham, Willem and Lysbet [married James Whittaker].

Tinker: Robert Tinker and daughter Mary have been the subjects of some research, since Mary married Mathias St. John/Sention, the primary immigrant for the St. John family. Still, more is needed on the Tinkers.

Thomas: I think the Thomas clan was Welsh. Dorothy Thomas married Robert Jennison c1719 in Boston. Here father was George and grandfather, Evan. Considerable research needs to be done on this family. The date I have for George's birth, 1655, makes his mother 53 at the time. Needless to say, I'm a bit suspicious about the info I have!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Very: The Verys take us to 1600s England. Birth and marriage dates are in order for Thomas Very and wife Bridget, for whom I need a surname. Samuel Very and Alice Woodis need marriage and death and all three, respectively. We are now in the colony of Massachusetts. Their daughter, Elizabeth, lacks a date of death in Salem. Her daughter Rebecca Nurse does not fare well. More on that in a later post.

Van der Linde: The surname started out as de Lindt, but the Vs needed some bulk! Arent Jansz de Lindt needs an exact birth and marriage date and his wife, Anneke Esiasz Jansz needs the birth date. She was executed for heresy by drowning in December 1538. We're looking at the 1500s and Dutch patronymics, so hope is about all there is. :)- A full battery of vitals is needed for Esias Arentse de Lindt and his wife, plus her given name. Next generation has Ewout minus an exact birth and any death data. Likewise for his wife Martigen Jeronimus. Next up, Esias, who needs birth and death specifics. Wife, Maeke Damen Vissenburgh needs the same. Their daughter Elizabeth needs the full BMD battery.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Wrapping up the W-Blocks!

Waterman: As is often the case with 16th and 17th century families, some of the vital stats are missing for Richard and Bethiah [Waite?] Waterman and Resolved and Mercy [Williams] Waterman.

Warren: Specifics are missing for the parents [William and Katherine] of Susan Warren French. Exact BM&D dates are needed for both, as well as her mother, Katherine's maiden name. Susan's birth and death dates are needed as well.

Waller: The distaff side of the Wallers provides the biggest stumbling blocks. Maiden names for the spouses of Roger and John Waller are lacking. Then again we are talking about the 1500s in Suffolk, England! Detailed vitals for the first two generations are missing as well. I have some 'circas' and 'betweens', but nothing specific. The same goes for John's daughter, Ann. I have her marriage to Christopher Strutt, but the birth and death dates are estimates.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

3-W Blocks

Wright: My Wrights were Quakers. In fact, James Sr. was a Quaker minister. Oddly enough, the key events missing are the date of the marriage between James and Mary Bowater in Chester Co., PA[c1707] and the exact date of death for James, whose burial took place on 15 May 1759 in Frederick Co., VA. [May 13 or 14 would be likely.]

Williams: There are a few mysteries in the family of Providence Plantation/Rhode Island founder Roger Williams. More specific vitals for his parents and grandparents would be nice. Exact dates of birth and death for Roger himself are needed. As for Roger's daughter, Mercy, the month and day of her 1659 marriage to Resolved Waterman and an exact date of death are needed.

Webb: Richard Webb of England and Connecticut lacks a date of birth and marriage [to Margery Moyer]. Son Joseph needs a birth date to celebrate.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Joined Blocks

Whittaker: There are plenty of stumbling blocks in the Whittaker line.
[1] Immigrant ancestor Edward Whittaker was from England. Where? When was he born?
[2] What was the exact marriage date for Edward and wife Hannah Wakeman Hackleton? Or was it a common law union?
[3] Edward reportedly died in January of 1694/5. What day?
[4] What were the birthdates for sons James and Edward? And death date for James?
[5] What was the date of birth for Mary Whittaker, James' daughter?

Wakeman: Speaking of Hannah......
[1] A few early marriage, birth and death dates for her ancestors.
[2] Hannah's birth and death dates,
[3] The real truth about her murder, adultery and blasphemy trial in 1664!