Thursday, February 7, 2013

Christopher / Christoffels Family of Long Island & Staten Island

The Christopher/Christoffels family is aanother of my NY families with gaps in their history. Maria Christopher [c1674-c1711] was the 1st wife of Pieter Prall [1672-1748]. They were married about 1693/4. Notice the lack of definite dates!

Maria's parents were Hans Christopher and Tryntje Bernts Blom. The Christophers were possibly from Normandy or The Netherlands. A Christoffels family was reportedly on Staten Island before 1655 and stayed on after the massacre of that year [VanName]. A Johannes Cristoffels was a Staten Island patentee in 1661. There was also a Hans Christoffels Schaers/Schaets who resided in Flatbush during the 1660s [Stryker-Rodda]. Yet another Hans Christoffels was recorded on Kings Co. Assessment Rolls in 1675. [This was probably Maria's father.]

The last record of Maria was in 1711. Pieter Prall married two more times.

Tryntje [Barents Blom] Christopher, Maria's mother, may well have been the 2nd wife of Arent Jansen Prall, Pieter's father.. Arent's 1st wife, Marie Billiou, died about 1690, as did Tryntje's husband. In his 1699 will, Pierre Billiou stated that Marie had eight children. Arent father nine children, per his 1721 will. I believe that Tryntje was the mother of Johannes Prall. Arent named Stoffel Christopher [Tryntje's son] and Arent Prall
Jr. as caaretakers of Johannes, who had some sort of physical or mental malady that prevented him from caring for himself.

Welcome to my world of genealogical research! Anyone with clues to the Christopher clan, let me know.

 Prall,                          asJr. as caretakers of Johannes,who had some sort of physical o

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