Now we begin with documentation and linking it to family line. First up, the will of Thomas Crail.
Thomas Crail of Pendleton, KY is believed to be the father of James B. Crail, Sr. and husband of Elizabeth Berry. Thomas made his will on 10 April 1809 [Deed Book B, p. 243] naming his wife, Elizabeth, and sons Wilson, Absalom, James and John. Also named is Edward Downing and his children [Eliza, Sally, Elizabeth and Polly]. Downing married Thomas' daughter, Elizabeth. Witnessing the will were Joel Berry, Stephen Mullins, James Morris and Pope Williams. Son, Wilson, and wife, Elizabeth, were named executors. Will probated: 15 May 1809.
Two of the witnesses are of note:
(1) Joel Berry was believed to be the brother of Elizabeth Berry Crail.
(2) Stephen Mullins was the brother of Richard Mullins, who married Rebecca Berry, Joel's daughter.
The James named in Thomas Crail's will was James Berry Crail, Sr.
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