OK, you have collected an assortment of photos, pension files, birth, marriage and death records, profiles from various genealogies and local histories. What next? Organize!
Here's what I've done, for better or for worse:
1] Family photos [people, gravesites, homes, etc.] have been placed in photo albums [in acid free sleeves]. Some photos are on my computer.
2] Birth, marriage, and death certificates along with obituaries have been placed in a binder.
3] All other information goes into a family folder. I have used colored subject folders.
(a) Each family gets a folder.
(b) When the folder gets unmanageable, I assign a folder to each family member that has generated
enough material to warrant his/her own folder.
(c) I have also generated folders for material on unrelated family lines.
The main reason for this particular format is that I haven't set aside time to develop a better one! This is what I started with back when I was naïve enough to think I wouldn't find a great deal of info. LOL
Some folks put everything on the computer. Others use standard file folders for each person with even one item of documentation. Extra copies of documentation are made for each person that is mentioned [a marriage record would go into the folders for each spouse.]
If you are looking for organizational ideas, attend a program on the subject or look for a podcast or article online. Otherwise, create your own. Just be sure you are comfortable with whichever format you choose!
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